Mary Christine, I had two FelV kittens. One was vaccinated by the vet
after having testing positive with the Elisa test. He had one day of
feeling bad, like all kittens do, but has been fine ever since.  The
other kitten, also positive, got extremely sick, couldn't even hold
his head up, and soon died.  I'm assuming his immune system was gone,
whereas the other kitten had an immune system that was still pretty
much alright.

Re: your other e-mail...... I agree, vets want to give kittens way,
way too many vaccinations.  They also get the same amount of vaccine
a full grown cat gets, which doesn't seem right to me.


On 10-29, MaryChristine wrote:
> i respectfully disagree.
> asymptomatic FeLVs are not sick cats. every sanctuary or multi-cat
> household will tell you that until the virus is activated, FeLVs
> are just normal cats--they get sick, they get treated, they get
> well. in sanctuary settings, FeLVs are kept with other FeLVs, in
> all stages of sickness and health. since FeLV kills through
> opporunistic infections as well as lymphomas and other
> manifestations, if the healthy FeLVs in the populations were
> seriously immune-compromised, each time one of them went into their
> final battle, all the others would get sick as well and be unable
> to fight off the onslaughts of new infections.
> this does not happen. if you have two FeLVs in the house and one
> becomes ill, why doesn't the other, "sick" cat, immediately
> succumb? this is another misunderstanding, i truly believe, from
> vets who haven't bothered to keep up on the research, and/or to
> adequately educate their patients.
> let me tell you, however, if you've ever seen a cat die of
> panleukopenia, you won't ever want it to happen again.
> there are ALWAYS risks in using ANY drug, and while there have
> certainly been reactions to vaccines throughout time, the way to
> counter our over-vaccinated society isn't necessarily to stop doing
> them at all.
> a symptomatic cat is sick; it may not have a thing to do with the
> FeLV, but an asymptomatic cat being sick because it may have FeLV,
> is like saying that all of us who had chicken pox are sick, because
> we've got that herpes virus just waiting to break out into herpes.
> MC
> (haven't you missed me?)
> On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 5:29 PM, MacKenzie, Kerry N. <
> > Sally, I personally would not vaccinate a positive cat. See Jean Dodds'
> > and Charles Loop's (both vets) views here. (The paragraph below is taken
> > from the website.) Kerry M.
> >
> >
> >
> > >>>All packages of vaccinations carry warnings that they should be
> > injected only in healthy animals. In the case of cats, vaccine
> > manufacturers advise against vaccinating pregnant or nursing cats.
> > However, many pets are not healthy when vaccinated although they might
> > not have outward signs of health problems. Charles Loops, DVM, a
> > holistic veterinarian from Pittsboro, North Carolina, notes that
> > "chemically killed viruses or bacteria are injected directly into the
> > blood stream, which is an unnatural route of infection." (7) This causes
> > the animal's antibodies to attempt to fight off the offending virus
> > molecules and render them harmless. If the animal's immune system is too
> > weakened, he or she cannot fight off these viruses and can develop a
> > reaction to the vaccine. Even small amounts of a virus that is
> > introduced through a vaccination may be too much for sick animals to
> > fight off. They then may fall ill from the very disease to which they
> > have been vaccinated.
> >
> >

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