I am so happy to have found this list. Two weeks ago, I took in a 3
month old kitten. He's a beautiful orange kitten and I've fallen in
love with him. Yesterday I took him to the vet for his vaccines, and
we ran an FeLV/FIV "snap" test. It came back positive for FeLV. We
sent off the other test (IFA?) to the lab and I await those results. 

        I have two other cats - one is almost 4 (male) and one is 2
(female). They have both been vaccinated against FeLV. My male in
particular has become close with the kitten. it proved to be
impractical to isolate the kitten as he just cried and cried ... and
escaped every time I opened the door. So I decided to supervise them,
make sure they don't fight, keep a clean litterbox, etc. and I just
let him back out with my other cats. From the couple of posts I have
read, I see I am not the only one. And my vet was so adament about
keeping the baby isolated. 

        He does have diarrhea, and I was looking at probiotics. Can
something like Fortiflora harm him if he does have a compromised
immune system? I understand I would be giving him "good" bacteria to
balance things out. He was negative for worms. 

        Thank you for any info, and I look forward to the group, regardless
of the test results. My kitten is active, and is a LOVE ... and he
isn't going anywhere! 

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