Hi, Amber

Welcome to the list, and condolences on losing Parker.

People can be so very stupid.  Of course you're sad about Parker, and
will be sad when it's Neo's time.  But unless you keep only, like,
elephants or gorillas or parrots for pets, chances are good that you'll
outlive even a healthy kitty, and you'll be sad then anyway.  And to the
other argument, you can bet that if someone's human family member
becomes very ill, they aren't saying, better snuff Mom, she's taking the
doctors' attention away from other people.  You're right, these babies
didn't ask for this to happen to them, and they deserve some kindness
for whatever time they have.  And you'll see on this list, some of them
really can have a lot of time left!

Diane R.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amber Gilewski
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 1:44 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] LTIC/Imulan & Losing kitties

Hello everyone,

   I am new to this listserv, but wanted to thank all of you in advance
for your insights and kindness! I recently adopted 2 FeLV positive
cats, Neo and Parker (1 in April and 1 in September). I knew their
lives would be cut short by the illness, but wanted to give them a
happy, comfortable life before they left this world. 


  Some friends and family members have given us grief over purposely
adopting these sick kitties. I've heard things to the effect of "You'll
be sad when they die" to "You're keeping a healthy cat from having a
home." But I didn't (and still don't care) what the naysayers have to
say. I know that I'm doing a good service to these cats that otherwise
would be euthanized before they  needed to be or would be without a
loving home. Someone (who was in my corner) told me that she worked at
a shelter once and no one would even play with the FeLV cats, let alone
adopt them. This solidified my belief for the need of loving homes of
these forgotten felines! Their happiness is more important than my
sadness, as profound as it may be. 


  I'm saddened to report that baby Parker (who we got more recently in
September) died on November 8th. It was a sad death as he suddenly
collapsed and died a couple of hours later in our home. It was late at
night and the emergency vet closest to us was in surgery. Other vet
services were an hour or more away. We saw him take his last few
breaths and wanted to end his suffering sooner (but couldn't). But he
died knowing (hopefully) that he was loved and that he didn't die
alone. He was the sweetest cat ever! :(


  Our other cat, Neo is doing great! He's not showing any symptoms, has
put on weight since we got him, and has a strong appetite! I recently
read about LTIC/Imulan and told my vet about it. He didn't know too
much about it as it's a newer medication, but I asked him to order some
for Neo. It's quite expensive, but if I would have known about it
sooner I would have tried it on little baby Parker to help him. Since
Neo is quite healthy, I'm not sure what effect it will have on him, but
I'd do anything to keep him as healthy as we can for as long as we can.
I'd be most pleased if anyone tries this with their cat and could tell
me how it works out. Also, did  your cat have any symptoms before or
were they asymptomatic before starting treatment?


   Thanks for reading and for all that you do for your beloved cats!


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