I have an FeLV positive kitten also who is about 3 to 4 months old and only 3.8 
pounds also.  She developed a sore on her mouth that slowed her down 
considerably and I thought I was going to lose her.  My vet was waiting on this 
new FDA medicine she had heard about and ordered for me.  It finally came in 
and thte first shot has already made a marked difference in her.  Taz is now 
back to her old self.  However, as she was getting weaker she developed a limp 
in one of her front legs for no apparent reason.  I thought her leg may have 
fell asleep from laying on it so long but that wasn't it either.  Taz is also 
anemic and I have her on Pet Tinic.  
This new medicine is supposed to target the bone marrow to help with healthy 
blood cell reproduction.  It's called Imulan (sp?).  It's kind of expensive but 
I've seen the positive results so far and will keep giving her this for as long 
as she is responding to it.  She's not limping and her blood counts are 
responding positively.  This might be something you can try as well.
Good luck with the kitten.

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