I, too, used a holistic vet with Dixie (FeLV+) and use her with the two negative feral kittens Dixie sent me when she left this world. They are extremely healthy, growing very fast, and are generally wonderful ( as she knew they would be). Dr. Boswell used several supplements with Dixie and with her regular vets gave me three wonderful years with my JP. She was grown when she came into my life from the same pine thicket the kittens came from. I don't know why she was there but she had all the love and care I could give her. I added colostrum to her diet (some people prefer Transfer Factor which is also wonderful). After the Chinese problem came to light, she never ate anything with grain, ate Primal Raw (I know some oppose this for good reasons but Dixie flourished on it mixed with high vitamin chopped veggies like carrots, spinach and broccoli). She had grain free canned food too. She left this world relatively painlessly after a very brief illness........and she left in the Jeep she road in willingly to many adventures and beside me without the intervention of a vet. I really believe in holistic medicine for my four legged friends as well as myself. The combination has worked well for me with several wonderful friends over a decade. My regular vets, whom I adore, sent me to the holistic vet I use. They send people to her on a regular basis and they have a wonderful working relationship.
On Dec 23, 2008, at 7:53 PM, Lisa Borden wrote:

        I took my kitten to a holistic vet, and she prescribed DMG
(dimethylglycine) to boost his immune system, as well as a
homeopathic antiviral mixture. I also give him (well, ALL my cats) a
food high in protein, make sure I wash my hands after I get home from
work, don't let him touch my work shoes (I work at a hospital), etc. I
also try to prevent stress, and give him lots of love. :)

On Tue 23/12/08 8:14 AM , patricia.a.elk...@gsk.com sent:
 I have been fostering for a big city shelter and although I
always tested new cats
when they came to me and kittens before they were introduced into
general herd, I ended
up this year with 4 FELV+ kittens less than 1 year old. Three of
tested negative when they
came to me and the fourth and youngest was born at my house from a
pregnant mom that also
tested negative.
I am adopting all of these guys now. I am working my way through
the archives of this list, but is there a consensus
on best practice for treating kittens and cats while they are still
healthy before they experience problems
related to FELV to keep them as healthy as possible?
Trissa in Philly
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