Thank you all so much for your information and especially for your kind words 
and prayers. Macy has been sleeping most of the day and when she does walk, she 
tires so easily and her back legs seem to be going. I had to go to physical 
therapy today and who cam in but the vet. I gave her the update and she said 
that she needs a transfusion. My son, the vet tech, has 7 cats so he's taking 
them in tomorrow to see if any of them are a match. I also have a negative cat 
that they'll check. Unfortunately, my husband and I have to go out of town 
tomorrow and won't return until Sunday evening. It is a comfort that she'll be 
in good hands with my son.

Please pray that we'll find a donor and that the transfusion is successful. 
Thank you all so much.

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