viky, that's the most wonderful part of thinking of heaven or the bridge--no
one can prove it isn't true, so we can make it just what we think it should
be. i'm sure he's up with your daddy in the sunlight. (my father loved cats,
so i'm sure he greatly enjoys all my bridge cats; my mother, on the other
paw, was afraid of them--and i'm just betting all my calicos are just
harassing her, their little eyes glinting with mischief....)

thank you for sharing mickey with us, but especially for reminding us of
what's hard to remember sometimes: that no matter how hard it is to lose
them, if we had the choice of not having them in order to spare ourselves
that pain, none of us would forego the joy and friendship they brought to


On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:14 PM, Viky Digangi <>wrote:

> Thank you Jane.  I have two other cats that I love but they are pets.
>  Mickey was my heart.  Why do you have to lose the ones you love the most.
>  In the 17 months that he was receiving the equi-stem shots for im-regulen
> he was at the vet 57 times.  He was such a sweet little guy and endured it
> so well.  But he is over it now.  Maybe he is sitting on my daddy's porch in
> Heaven and they are basking in the sunshine.   I really hope so.
> Viky Digangi
> Support Enforcement Officer II
> Monroe Regional Office
> 318-362-5280 ext 297
> Fax 318-362-3363
> >>> Jane Lyons <> 02/26/09 6:25 PM >>>
> Dear Vicky
> What a heartbrake. I went through a hermangio sarcoma tsunami with a
> friend whose Scottie was
> diagnosed with it. It is the most dreadful and aggressive cancer and
> I can imagine how stressful
> the past 19 weeks have been for you and Mickey.
> I know what loosing a beloved cat feels like and I grieve with you.
> Jane
> On Feb 26, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Viky Digangi wrote:
> > In October I joined the group requesting information on hemangio
> > sarcoma which my felv cat was diagnosed with.  Everything I read
> > was bad.  He had the first tumor removed on 10-13-08.  It came back
> > this time two tumors and they were removed on 1-6-09. This surgery
> > was very, very difficult on him to get over.  Then on 2-13-09 the
> > vet discovered it had come back even more rapidly than the first
> > time.  x-rays showed nothing in the lungs or spleen but the liver
> > was hard to see though not enlarged.  This past Monday he stopped
> > eating and drinking and I knew it was time.  The next morning  I
> > took my heart disguised as a little 7 pound black and white angel
> > to the vet for the final time.  The night before I laid him on the
> > bed next to me and he stared into my face purring for hours.  The
> > cancer had spread to his liver and I knew I could not stand for him
> > be in pain.   Before I took him to the vet I wrapped him in his cat
> > blanket and walked him all over the yard so he could see his ducks
> > and feel the air on his face.  He loved to be outside.   So from
> > start to finish he lived 19 weeks from diagnosis.  This is a
> > deadly, aggressive cancer and I hope none of you experience it with
> > your babies.   I had my little man for 8 years and 7 months and
> > they were worth every minute.
> >
> >
> >
> > Viky Digangi
> > Support Enforcement Officer II
> > Monroe Regional Office
> > 318-362-5280 ext 297
> > Fax 318-362-3363
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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