how true about the ferals.  my Shorty was so sweet once he decided that i was 
okay.  he became the biggest lap baby ever.  it took a ew scratches when i 
forgot to do things his was, but when he did decide to adopt me, he more than 
made up for it.  Bob, my newest boy was maybe a dump cat since he was very 
loveable when broght into my vetomeone did dump him, it is their loss and my 
gain because he is the sweetest boy ever.  dorlis
---- Cougar Clan <> wrote: 
> Those who love and care for feral cats have a very difficult calling,  
> one that causes great pain when a feral leaves for any reason.   
> However, when a feral cares about you, it is the most rewarding  
> experience because that caring can not be forced nor is it bred into  
> the cat.  Bless you and your friends for caring about these wonderful  
> animals.  You did the right thing.  The fear and anger would have made  
> Bashful's time unbearable for her.
> On Mar 24, 2009, at 10:17 PM, <> wrote:
> > so sorry about Bashful.  if only there was a way we could get thru  
> > to them that we are there to help them, we could do so much more for  
> > them.  i know lymphoma first hand, had it myself and you are right,  
> > that is an awful lot to put anyone thru.  even then, it doesn't  
> > always work.  my oncologist told me that all 3 chemos i had did  
> > nothing.  i simply went into spontaneous remission 1 year after  
> > treatments were stopped.  i know prayer had a lot to do with it.   
> > that and because God had something else in mind for me.  dorlis
> > ---- Heather <> wrote:
> >> I haven't posted much lately, sadly have had quite a few rescue  
> >> losses in
> >> the last months as well as rescue "emergencies" which has me so  
> >> behind on
> >> all fronts....
> >>
> >> However, one of our dear, fairly elderly university campus ferals,  
> >> Bashful,
> >> will be crossing this afternoon and I wanted to share her story so  
> >> that many
> >> thoughts will be with her.
> >>
> >> Bashful's caregiver has been taking care of her for at least 10  
> >> years, she
> >> disappeared a couple of weeks ago which was attributed to roofers  
> >> at the
> >> Library where she has lived for so many years.   When she showed  
> >> back up she
> >> was clearly in dire need of help.   Elaine her caregiver called me  
> >> for help
> >> trapping, 2 friends and I set out without much success the first two
> >> days--it was heartbreaking, she was half under the drop trap the  
> >> first night
> >> but just a bit of food made her choke & cough so horribly, we had  
> >> tears in
> >> our eyes just hearing & watching.  Her neck was very, very swollen  
> >> impairing
> >> her ability to eat and walk.
> >>
> >> We got her 2 nights later, began b/w, exam....cytology via needle  
> >> aspirate
> >> confirmed a high grade, aggressive lymphoma.
> >>
> >> We discussed the possibility of chemo but Bashful is very feral and  
> >> already
> >> unhappy even being at the vet, it was clear this was not going to  
> >> be a way
> >> to give her quality time and that she was already in a very bad  
> >> state.
> >>
> >> One of my good campus friends who came to the call to help drop  
> >> trap is
> >> leaving now to be with Bashful for her final moments.   Bashful was  
> >> not
> >> FELV+ (likely was FIV+), but I know many here can sympathize with the
> >> dreadful diagnosis of lymphoma.
> >>
> >> We treat feral cats for illnesses as much as we possibly can, I've  
> >> actually
> >> got 14 campus feral kitty Bobbye on my porch now for that reason  
> >> (CRF, FIV+,
> >> along with Toxoplasmosis & possible eye tumor which has not
> >> progressed--she's done well other than not liking the fluids of
> >> course)....but it just didn't seem there were any way we could put  
> >> Bashful
> >> through chemo, weekly vet visits, and possibly never feeling good  
> >> enough for
> >> the time to have been of quality for her.   She is very stressed at  
> >> my vet
> >> and we hope things go as peacefully as possible this afternoon.
> >>
> >> Go with love, sweet Bashful, and know how badly we wanted to help  
> >> you--you
> >> will not be forgotten.
> >>
> >> Heather
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> >>
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