i don't know if i could stand working in a shelter.  i would want to take all 
of them home with me.  need to win the lottery for that.  i am at my limit now 
of 5 babies.  any more and i would have to seriously re orgainze my finances.  
fixed incomes are a bummer.  i don't know how you do it but more power to you 
and God be with you.  dorlis
---- Sherry DeHaan <sherryd...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> Well we lost Mikey one of our Katrina kitties.This orange boy was a different 
> kind of kitty.When he first came to us he was a a skittish scaredy cat(could 
> you blame him?)All that he had to go through to get to us.We had a LOVE-Hate 
> realationship,really love but you know how it goes. :) Well last night while 
> doing the feedings at Sids I noticed he was not acting like his normal pain 
> in the butt self.So we let Jen know and today she had to let him go cause he 
> was just in a bad way.I did tell him that I loved him last night and kissed 
> him on his head before I went home. We will miss you Mikey
> Sherry
> "We who choose to surround ourselves with lives more temporary
> than our own,
> Live within a fragile circle,easily and often breached.
> Unable to accept its awful gaps.
> We still would have it no other way"
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