that is why i make sure to get it paid off long before the due date.  but it is 
still better than paying 600.00 at one crack.  i usually make payments of 
$100.00 per month and that does the trick.  dorlis
---- Debbie Harrison <> wrote: 
Just be sure to pay them before that year...otherwise the interest rate is 

Debbie (COL)
"The time is always right to do what is right" -  Martin Luther King

> Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 22:40:25 -0500
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] hello- new to the list.
> reL finances and caring for kitties, has anyone else heard of Care Credit? i 
> fuond out about it from my dentist and it can be used for glasses, dental 
> work, vets and even plastic surgery. the vet collects the charges until they 
> reach at least $300.00 and then sends charges to Care Credit. you have a year 
> to pay it off with no interest. you only pay interest if you take more than i 
> year to complete payment. it has helped me out with my babies because i like 
> to get a complete blood profile and urinealysis (?) on each one so we have a 
> base line to start from. also helps when i have to get shots for all 5 at 
> same time. dorlis
> ---- Sue & Frank Koren <> wrote: 
> > Hi Amy, I am so sorry you are going through this. It is hard to want to 
> > care for a beloved kitty when they want no part of it. My sweet gentle 
> > Tucker used to go absolutely ballistic whenever I tried to give him a pill. 
> > Sometimes I think it is kinder to choose the least threatening or invasive 
> > ways to help a sick kitty. Some would much rather be gently let go in their 
> > own time with dignity then to have procedures forced upon them that might 
> > lengthen their lives but would make them extremely unhappy. Your best 
> > choice may be feeding him the highest quality food you can find. (I like 
> > Wellness Core canned food.) And making sure there is little or no stress in 
> > his life. Best wishes for as much quality time as possible with Grrr.
> You picked such a great name for a feisty cat! 
> Sue
> ---- Amy Ackerman <> wrote: 
> > 
> > Thanks for the welcome & kind words, Gary & Laurie. My vet believes Grrr 
> > has lymphosarcoma, but for the time being the diagnostic tools recommended 
> > to locate the suspected spinal tumor are simply out of reach financially. 
> > Times are lean for everyone, I know; this was a very difficult day, 
> > deciding courses of treatment for this very cool, loved cat based on our 
> > credit lines. He's having a rough time getting around. Grrr is also, as you 
> > may be able to gather from his name, not a terribly good patient. That may 
> > be the understatement of the month. He is slightly anemic as well, but 
> > his... attitude doesn't make him a terribly good candidate for, say, daily 
> > pills, etc. He's getting a cortisol shot to see if it improves his 
> > mobility/comfort & an injectable, long term antibiotic (I need to get the 
> > drug name) to counter the immune suppressive effects of the cortisol. He 
> > eats like a horse, so we're going to try some of the suggested dietary 
> > modifications as well. Any one with suggestions for minimally invasive 
> > treatments (minimally invasive by this cat's standards is, say, tossing a 
> > tasty tidbit gently from across the room, careful not to let it land too 
> > close), please share as I continue to dredge through the archives. My other 
> > two are keenly looking around for Grrr tonight- should be a fun car ride 
> > home tomorrow with all three, plus the mastiff going along to get her 
> > rabies vax. I'll check back in tomorrow- good night, all, and thanks again 
> > for the support! 
> > 
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