Oh my, get new vets. Dixie was on interferon and lots of supplements (mostly from a holistic vet). Her quality of life for three years was marvelous. I wish mine was as high. She ate very high quality food + chopped veggies high in C iron etc. Please remember that everyone dies and everyone dies from something. We are not guaranteed a second more of life and must enjoy the time we have. You are blessed with Onyx and other cats. Enjoy their days and yours. Put the calendar in the trash.
On Apr 4, 2009, at 7:28 PM, James Rauscher wrote:

One of the vets who saw my FeLV+ catOnyx said I could give her interferon, that it may or may not help her, but certainly would not hurt her. Two other vets told me there was nothing to do for her except to wait until she gets sick then put her to sleep. One of them recommended "re-homing" my negative cats until the positive one dies because they will "inevitably" become positive as well, even though they are vaccinated.

Another owner of mixed positives and negatives is taking the same route as me in not separating the positives and negatives (vaccinating the negatives) but also gives her positive kitty something called Vetri-DMG which is supposedly produced by the body naturally and is an immune system booster.

Does anyone here have experience with these products? The vet who told me to re-home my negatives said immunoglobulins are very expensive and only help to keep a suffering cat alive. I am very confused - I get a different opinion from every vet I talk to!


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