I would keep them separated for the 30 days. I am very cautious.

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Nortina Bell
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:13 AM
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Felvtalk] Intro


I have been a member of this list for a few days now since I found out that
our new kitty tested postive for feline leukemia. 

We already have one cat, Jasper, who is about 7-8 years old. The animal
shelter was unsure of his age when I got him, so we aren't quite sure now
either. Jasper, as a rule, really dislikes other animals. Cats, dogs, he
shows them all who is boss. However, since we have moved to our new house in
mid-January, we've had a stray hanging around. Jasper, who gets out every
now and then even though we try not to let him, actually didn't seem to hate
this other cat. I saw them actually playing together which was a surprise to
me. This other cat kept trying to sneak IN the house and was so loving
anyway that we just decided to adopt him once we realized we might actually
be able to have another cat in the same house as Jasper (we have tried twice
previous with very bad results). 

We kept this new cat (my kids are bent on calling him McFluffins) in the
bathroom overnight while waiting for his first vet appointment to see if he
would even use a litter box. I was glad to see that he did, but noticed we
had an issue with worms. 

While at the vet they tested for FIV and feline leukemia. This is when we
found that he tested positive for feline leukemia. The vet that I spoke to
that day didn't really try to encourage me in making any decision, but I
have to admit that I thought about having him put down. I was not really
willing to though because I have already found that he is a very loving and
wonderful cat and is perfectly healthy at the moment. After asking some
questions about how it can progress and the implications for Jasper, I
decided that we would keep him. 

We had another vet visit the day after for Jasper and the vet that we spoke
to that day was firm that there will be issues with the stray that we took
in, it is just a matter of how long until they surface. She was much less
hopeful than the previous vet, but nice and informative all the same. 

Currently Jasper and the new cat are seperated as Jasper was behind on his
vaccinations and was never vaccinated again feline leuk. I was told that,
based on Jasper's age, he wasn't likely to catch it anyway, but it would be
worth giving anyhow. It was suggested that they be kept apart until his
second booster shot in a month after this one. Does anyone else have an
experience like this? Is it really necessary to keep them seperated? 

I have been reading all of the posts so far but feel a little lost since I
am not very knowledgable on the subject, so hopefully I will catch up soon. 

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