Peace to you. A suggestion since you are learning to heal: Start a chronicle of your little one(s). Write in it daily. I've done that with Copper and Thomas and frequently look back at the notes. Every time I do, I laugh and love these little guys even more. I sent emails to some friends about Dixie, who left this world all too some because of this disease, and they are comforting. The chronicles evolved from her emails.
On Jul 16, 2009, at 3:00 PM, Orth, Sarai wrote:

Thank you all for your loving posts. I didn't know how much I needed the
support until I got it! It seems that so many people have not had a
special relationship with a pet where they can relate to the hole that
their passing leaves and that has been frustrating to me. This week is a
better week as we are starting to be able to think lovingly about her
and laugh about funny things she did! We miss her still and plan to make
a beautiful garden for her over her gravesite. I am looking forward to
planning out something lovely to honor her. I will take your words of
wisdom and just keep loving the other baby like there is no tomorrow! He
is spoiled rotten these days...he even sleeps in our bed now (which my
husband never would have allowed before J) We hope that he stays symptom free for many years as we hear CAN happen. Thank you again for your kind words and if anyone else has any advice on preventative measures- always
feel free to post!

Sarai Orth

Career Path Services

Co-Located @ Valley DSHS

Monday-Thursday 7-5:30

Voice (509) 227-2892

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