Dear Friends,  I have a difficult decision to make, and I hope you
can help.......  I have several FelV cats at a shelter I have in
town. Most remain in good health by all appearances, however one 8
year old female has been steadily losing weight, she is now very
anemic; extremely emaciatedm and she stopped eating two days ago. She
will still lick a bit of baby food from my fingers, and she is still
drinking water, but this is all. I know she is probably going to die
soon, but I want her to die in familiar surroundings where she is
loved, rather than having to make a trip to the vet which is always
terrifying for cats. The vets here will not come out to see or
euthanize a sick cat.

This cat does not appear to be in any pain. She has no tumors, nor
neurogical symptoms, but I know she will soon die from the anemia.
I do not believe in extending the life of a cat who has a terminal
illness, therefore I will not put her through transfusions or heroic
measures.  If I had a terminal illness I would not wish this for

What I'm asking is this........ I'm sure some of you have had anemic
FelV cats and I want to know if dying from anemia is painful.  If so
I will have her put to sleep. Even though I know the trip to the vet
will be frightening for her....... I do not want her to suffer.

Thank you for your help,


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