it's the red gene, i'm told....

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Amy Dalgliesh <>wrote:

> MaryChristine,
> What is it about those sassy, fiesty, independant calico girls that makes
> us love them so?  We must be suckers for punishment, cause they sure do love
> to dole it out.  One of mine is ancient, weighs less than 6 lbs, toothless
> and I still can't pill her.  She's the smallest cat of the bunch, but she
> can move a 15 lb male from his bowl of canned food just by staring at him.
> I'm crazy about her and I celebrate her attitude.
> --- On Wed, 8/12/09, MaryChristine <> wrote:
> From: MaryChristine <>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Thank you for your help
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 11:12 AM
> i think it's really natural for us to want to try EVERYTHING to help our
> beloved ones, even when, sometimes, it's in our best interests and not
> really theirs. that's what i believe that i have learned from my cats in
> their final days..... i know that, early on, i kept some of mine around
> longer than i would do now, but not from meanness, rather from lack of
> awareness. i had to learn... to separate out their needs from mine, to ask
> them what they needed, to truly listen to what they were telling me.
> people learn at different rates; i try very hard (not always successfully,
> as those reading another FeLV list can attest) not to judge others'
> progress.....
> i actually have a kitty in terminal crf right now; she bit the hell out of
> me the last two times i tried to hydrate her. she's my remaining heartcat,
> and her refusing treatment is killing me--but how can i not honor her
> choices, after all she's given me through the years? she's the official
> international spokescat for the Calico Liberation Coalition, CaLiCo, a
> 4-paw-declawed, harlequin girl that refuses to purr tho will, very
> occasionally, practice Rhythmic Growling--to force her to do anything would
> be an assault on her very cathood..... she's someplace close to 16 years
> old, and has blessed my life with bite wounds and attiTUDE for over ten
> years now--i adore her, and know completely that in her furry little
> multicolored heart, she  feels the same way toward me. i will do what is
> best for her when her job on this earth is complete; no matter how much it
> pains me--i know that she will tell me if she needs help, tho actually i'm
> just hoping she'll allow me to be with her when the time comes, and not
> just
> leave me an email.....
> the wisest advice i've ever gotten, though, is that it's best to send them
> across the bridge one day too soon, than five minutes too late. feeling
> guilty about their, "not being ready," when they weren't yet suffering, is
> pointless, but nothing compared to the knowledge that one has waited too
> long.....
> sometimes, tho, we need to go through the latter to understand. we need to
> be gentle with one another as we learn these horrible lessons. and hope
> that
> what we learn so painfully can help someone else learn them with less
> difficulty.
> --
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
> MaryChristine
> Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
> )
> Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
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Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....

Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
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