With the really nasty tasting meds, like metronidazole and zithromax, I 
dissolve the pill in a tiny bit of water and then add either sugar or pancake 
syrup.  These meds have a nasty bitter taste and a significant aftertaste.  
Sweetener counters that taste some, enough to make it more palatable, enough so 
that the cat doesn't foam at the mouth so badly.

--- On Thu, 8/13/09, Gloria B. Lane <gbl...@aristotle.net> wrote:

> From: Gloria B. Lane <gbl...@aristotle.net>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Rebecca - Tummy troubles
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 1:26 PM
> I agree - sounds perhaps like this
> vet doesn't know much about FIV and "full blown aids"
> whatever that is.  Perhaps she's "assuming" kitty has
> some kind of lymphoma in the intestinal area.  I'd wait
> for the other vet to come back also.
> The metro (Flagyl) sounds good.   I'm just
> wondering why kitty is on Prednisone, especially if kitty
> has no immune system.  1/4 Immodium sounds ok - I
> usually use old-fashioned Kao Pectin, although have to get
> the kind for animals at a farmers association store (NOT the
> grocery store, it can't be used on cats).
> I usually use Panacur as an initial effort for kitty
> diarrhea, assuming parasite, then if that doesn't work, I go
> to something else.  Sometime I cut the kitty diet back
> to canned or boiled chicken and white rice, to placate the
> digestive tract.
> Never tried putting sugar in Clinda, but I'm inspired to
> try it sometime, thanks.
> Gloria
> On Aug 13, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Susan Hoffman wrote:
> > "full blown AIDS"????  Does Rebecca have FIV
> (sometimes mistakenly referred to as kitty AIDS) or FeLV?
> > 
> > Metronidazole is the "metro" you're referring
> to.  It's typically prescribed for giardia and other
> intestinal parasites.
> > 
> > Unless this gets significantly worse, I would hold off
> on the stool sample till your regular vet gets back. 
> Half the time you get a negative on the fecal test only
> because the parasite has not reached sufficient mass to be
> detected on the test.  A lot of vets treat
> symptomatically.
> > 
> > Bonus with the metronidazole is that it supposedly
> will settle an upset tummy (I assume this is based on
> feedback from human patients) and may improve appetite.
> > 
> > Are you giving pill or liquid metronidazole?  The
> stuff is one of the worst tasting meds around.  I
> usually liquify and add a little sugar to make it more
> palatable.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- On Thu, 8/13/09, Iva Lark Emily Seaberg <melleph...@sbcglobal.net>
> wrote:
> > 
> >> From: Iva Lark Emily Seaberg <melleph...@sbcglobal.net>
> >> Subject: [Felvtalk] Rebecca - Tummy troubles
> >> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >> Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 9:57 AM
> >> Rebecca had a significant gum
> >> infection when she was diagnosed almost two weeks
> ago and
> >> the vet had placed her on Clindamyacin twice a day
> for ten
> >> days, and Prednisone twice a day for 7 days and
> then once a
> >> day for 21 days. I started the Clindamyacin 
> about 7/8 days
> >> ago and the Prednisone a few days ago. Becca has
> gradually
> >> developed diarrhea, and this morning it was worse,
> to the
> >> point she had leaked a bit on the bed where she
> slept. I
> >> felt so bad for her! So I called the vet to see
> about
> >> stopping the Clinda or if there were other
> options/causes I
> >> should be concerned about.
> >> 
> >> The vet said to give her a quarter of an Immodium
> AD pill
> >> twice a day, and reduce the Prednisone to once a
> day and to
> >> switch to an antibiotic Metro something for a
> week. The vet
> >> said Clinda doesn’t usually give diarrhea? She
> said it
> >> could be the Prednisone but her bigger concern is
> that it
> >> may be a gut bacteria making her sick so the Metro
> should
> >> help with that. She really stressed that Becca is
> in full
> >> blown AIDS essentially, has no immune system and
> is a
> >> ticking time bomb for something so I need to stay
> on top of
> >> this and if Becca isn’t 100% better in 48 hours
> she wants
> >> to do a stool sample culture. This is not my usual
> vet, who
> >> is still on vacation until next week.  Aside
> from the
> >> diarrhea Becca is acting just fine, though she
> didn’t
> >> finish all of her dinner last night which I can
> understand.
> >> 
> >> Should I be terribly concerned at this point? I
> almost felt
> >> like the vet was trying to panic me a bit and
> brace me for
> >> this being the end. How likely is that? I’m
> heading on my
> >> lunch to get her new meds, but I was going to go
> to the gym
> >> after work as usual but if I need to rush home
> after work
> >> instead I will.
> >> 
> >> Iva
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