Most of the few cats I've experienced this with were not positives, it takes
very dedicated nursing care but some definitely can be saved!   The one
felv+ young kitty a friend adopted from me, who developed hepatic lipidosis,
was very sick and did not make it.

I have not been the nurse with the HL cats but vet tech friends have been
invaluable.   A 13 year old cat whose owner died and was very, very sick,
did recover and is doing great now despite other problems including having
several growths removed.  He did have a feeding tube for a bit.

We just lost a very, very special rescue and are quite sick over it.
Returned from owner (likely negligent) very, very tech who
nursed the above mentioned kitty also nursed her and other than very, very
severe weight loss, she was doing much better, numbers normal, then lost
after she had to board for 2 days and cared for by others who may not have
followed the strict feeding needs (including not free/over feeding) and she
lost a pound within 2 days.

We are devastated.  Skittles was a beautiful, young, dilute tortie/torbie
who was originally dumped at my vet pregnant, a weak FIV+.   They were going
to euthanize her so we picked up her charges, she cleared the FIV and
confirmed negative on Western Blot.

It seems this kitty never got her fair chance, and it makes no sense as she
was as sweet and beautiful as a kitty could ever be.  Her home was a good
one at first but it seems there were changes this year and Skittles wasn't
getting the care or attention she needed.

It is quite distressing as it really seemed she'd made it through the worst,
though I know recovery from HL is often a tricky & vulnerable process.
I would really appreciate it if Skittles may be added to the CLS.   We've
had some other heart wrenching losses and as usual it is hard to keep up.

I wish you luck with your kitty, thank you for giving this double-positive
boy a loving home.

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Laurieskatz <> wrote:

> Not a FeLV+ cat but we had a cat in severe liver failure due to not eating
> (a cat a friend adopted) and she survived. The vet did have to place an E
> tube (feeding tube that goes in through the neck). Please check out the
> yahoo group Feline assisted Feeding for great information. My best to you,
> Joanna and Miles. You are in my prayers.
> Laurie
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of LuĂ­sa Maria
> Azeredo Rodrigues Coelho (DGR)
>  Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 6:17 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: [Felvtalk] FeLV+ FIV+ cat with liver problems
> Hi everyone
> Miles, a 6 year-old cat positive for FIV and FeLV, is in a very poor
> condition and has now been admited to the vet hospital. He was not eating,
> he vomited and is dehidrated. Miles was a stray cat I took in 2,5 years
> ago.
> He stayed with me until December '08 when he was adopted by Joana.
> Throughtout these years he has always been a very healthy cat.
> Two weeks ago Joana took him for his vaccines and blood tests. The vet did
> not vaccinated him because he relies on a 2-year period for vaccination and
> took his blood for testing. Then he left for holidays and said nothing to
> Joana about the tests' results.
> Joana was away for the week-end of 15th -16th and when she got back, Miles
> did not eat much. On Monday he did not eat at all, he drank a lot of water
> and urinated a lot, also. Yesterday he vomited and Joana took him to the
> vet
> hospital. She rang the other vet's clinic for the tests' results and
> surprisingly ALT values were almost 10 times the maximum.
> At the hospital, blood tests were again done, liver parameters were sky
> high
> (so much so that some of them did not show up). He is anemic and jaundiced.
> The ultra-sound did not reveal much.
> He is now having fluids and antibiotics. The prognosis is bad.
> Do you have something to share on similar conditions of positive cats?
> Thanks very much
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