I really appreciate it, and you're right I should have posted about her

I found out Monday...I shouldn't blame, liver issues are so serious it could
be she just wasn't going to make it, but the fact that she was even running
around with my friend's other cats recently, really seemed like she was
through the worst...and it does seem there were things not done as needed.

She beat a "positive" test...to me was a survivor in that regard, and this
never should have happened.

My bf and I care for many (20+) feral cat colonies, and this past weekend,
someone's kitty was hit and killed at our colony, coming to eat....this
guilt will stay with me forever.  It is a problem/dangerous area, awful
feeding spot, and we'd seen this coming as he just wasn't afraid of cars at
all.  I even spoke with his owner about it several months ago, asking if she
thought I could or should move the feeding to the duplex property, though
she felt the property owners & residents wouldn't go for it, which was what
I also thought, as there just is no good place with cover there to feed.

I was so upset the night I told her that my bf had found him, I never found
out his name but need to.  He was a sweet, skittish medium haired tabby...a
young male.

She did not blame us, I guess having outside cats all her life has lost
others, but I will always feel responsible.

In May we lost a very sweet colony kitty, Tippy, to lymphoma (she was
negative and young, it was terrible, we couldn't even give her any quality
time, she was gasping for air even on oxygen) and I tried to post but the
post was so long I don't believe it made it to the list.

We also had to, at long last, say goodbye to Bobbi, my 15 year old "retired"
FIV+/toxo/CRF campus kitty.   She was a spunky, valiant golden-auburn Torbie
with a bob/half tail and we treasure the 9 months of her retirement at our
place where  a vet tech helped us care for her.  We hope she knew she was
loved and enjoyed her time.   A urinary issue made it impossible to keep her
comfortable and we had to let her go.

Thank you all for listening to my losses....I feel bad for rarely posting,
keeping up with work & so many colonies & rescues....it is impossible.

Just knowing there are others here who, like me, believe the "underdog"
(ahem Undercat) always deserves as much of a chance at life and love as the
rest, is a comfort, and I'm always glad to hear of another FELV or FIV kitty
who got to live out their life happily.

Thanks again-


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Diane Rosenfeldt <drosenfe...@wi.rr.com>wrote:

>  Heather, I'm so sorry you lost Skittles.  She sounds like a wonderful
> little girl.  I'm so sorry the people in charge of caring for her let her
> down, that is so sad.  Gentle Bridge vibes to her and hugs to you for
> caring
> so much.
> (I thought she deserved a heading of her own...)
> Diane R.
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