I have shared this information here before.  However, our cat, Gray Kitty, was 
diagnosed with FeLV on September 6, 2008.  At that time he has a hematocrit of 
9%......very near death.  We have used LTCI since his second blood transfusion, 
which has been many, many, months ago.  We also use Prednisolone twice daily.  
As of today, he is testing negative for FeLV.  He has  the non-regenerative 
anemia, and so far so good, his HCT has stayed within normal limits.  We have 
now just gone down to once monthly on the LTCI and see how he does.  We also 
consult with a specialist long distance, that has done his research in bone 
marrow transfusions in cats.  Our cat will be used in his studies as well as a 
case study with our own Vet.  We hope we can have continued success.  We also 
know reality and that he will not live for many, many years.  However, we have 
appreciated the time that we have had with him and hope for the best.
> Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 16:19:58 -0500
> From: jb...@tds.net
> To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Imulan - a t cell lymphocytic immunomodulator
> Hello everyone,
> I really hope this email works. I have been a part of this community for
> awhile but don't often respond. I did, however, want to share this with
> you.
> I have had two cats die from severe anemia and bone marrow suppression
> associated from felv+. It is a common cause of death for these guys and I
> have heard over and again in this forum.
> I currently have another sweet little girl who is about 1 1/2 years old.
> She was doing well until recently when she started to become lethargic,
> stopped eating and was found to have a hematocrit of 11%. This is really,
> really, really low. It is a non-regenerative anemia, with signs of
> lymphoma. This is pretty much a death sentence for these guys. A blood
> transfusion would only prolong the sufferng
> So here's the deal. I found a vet that had the immunomodulator (from
> Imulan), got the shot and gave it to her on Friday. Her energy is gradually
> improving, her mucous membrane are pinking up and there are signs of
> improvement.
> I don't know if she'll pull through or not, but I have to tell you that this
> is currently the best option out there for treating this disease. I found
> some of the information on it. There is rapid and profound improvement of
> anemia, an increase in bone marrow activity and in some cases, return to
> normal with negative testing for the virus.
> I know there isn't a full proof cure out there but I have to say this may
> prove to be very helpful. The long terms studies are still pending.
> So here's the deal, if you have a felv+ with bone marrow suppression
> (including anemia - low red blood cells, thrombocytopenia - low platelets,
> neutropenia - low levels of neutrophils, or lymphopenia - low lymphocyte
> count) and may or may not have the associated infections; I highly
> recommend giving this a try.
> It is a simple subcutaneous shot given weekly at first and than monthly with
> improvement of bone marrow suppression and clinical symptoms. It requires a
> vet order to get it.
> It is a far better alternative than the repeat cycle of blood transfusions,
> antibiotic regimens and prednisone.
> I will let you know how she does.
> Good luck everyone and God bless you for your generous and selfless hearts.
> Jenny
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