I do hope that Autumn gets better with the LTCI.  If she comes back by any
means from a HCT level of 4%, it will be quite a feat.

Just a couple of comments.  First, as far as I have seen, there is very
little science to back up Imulan's claims.  There have been no real trials,
just short term, limited and sometimes not well controlled or documented,

Second, if they are more than happy to talk to you, they have changed their
ways since I called.  When I called (some months ago) they would not discuss
any technical info with me and when my vets office called they wouldn't
discuss it with anyone but the vet himself.

I would love it if they would run a real trial, but I fear they are now
making so much money as things are right now, they will never do it.  They
just ran a very short (couple of months) trial of using LTCI on cats with
the dry form of FIP.  There is a lady on the FIP list that had several of
her allegedly FIP positive cats in the trial.  The criteria for getting a
cat into the trial excluded cats with some of the most common symptoms of
dry FIP and did not even require complete blood work.  They seemed to
concentrate on a feline corona virus titer test, which, even the company who
makes it admits does not diagnose FIP, it is only an indicator.

For Autumn's sake I hope it works.  There have been reports of it helping
and reports of it not doing anything noticeable. 


-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of jbero tds.net
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 10:25 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Felvtalk] Imulan and Autumn update

Hello everyone,

I wanted to give you an update on Autumn and the TCLI injection(Imulan).
When I brought her to the emergency center last Tuesday, she was
starting with respiratory distress and crying out.  Her hematocrit was 4%.
She was on her way out.  She got the transfusion - they called me about 1/4
of the way through and told me they didn't think she'd make it.  She did.
Since she's been home, each day her energy is improving.  I got the second
injection of TCLI and administered it on Saturday.  Everyday she's looking
better.  She's sitting up, walking and drinking independently.  This may
only be the effects of the transfusion, so I am holding off judgement for
now.  I will be getting a CBC this week to see what we're dealing with.  In
the meantime, I am praying, and have her on Ambrotrose (a glycoprotein
supplement thought to help in the fight against felv), vitamin supplements
and intermittently transfer factor.  She hemolyzed (destroyed) many of
the red blood cells after the transfusion as she turned yellow (jaundice -
secondary to breakdown of hemoglobin) but clinically her energy is improving
and her alertness returning.  I will keep you updated.

I pray that there is hope in this injection.  It seems to me that the
science is pretty sound.  Most vets aren't aware of this product and have a
lot of suspicion surrounding any treatment to felv+.  It is reasonable since
their vet school training told them it was a fatal and untreatable disease.
Most of us have experienced that first hand.

I had to search long and hard to find a vet that could help me, but if you
call Imulan directly they are happy to talk with you or your vet.  I have
nothing but good experiences with them so far.

We shall see, good luck everyone.


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