Hey Lance, nice to hear from you. The only time I've had that happen with the pupils being different sizes is with an FIV+ kitty, can't say what caused it or what it related to.

Re air travel: The last time I flew with a cat in the cabin - which was probably 2004 or thereabouts - was taking a cat from Little Rock (where I live) to Minneapolis/St Paul. Airports were just getting acclimated to the post 2003 airport procedures. I fortunately had a harness on the kitty, and she was inside the soft sided carry on cat carrier.

As we approached the airport scanner, thy told me to take her out of the carrier and carry her separately. But THEN they told me to take my shoes off (lace up running shoes), which was interesting while carrying a cat - and put the shoes, carrier, purse, etc, on the moving belt to the separate xray scanner.

Then I carried her thru the airport security scanner, with her carrier going thru separately. Glad I had the harness and leash. I had cat, then had to retrieve purse, carrier, shoes, etc, and reassemble myself. It was no fun.


On Sep 24, 2009, at 7:42 PM, Lance wrote:

Hello List,

It's been a long time since I've posted anything, and I must admit that I haven't been keeping up with posts for quite awhile. Some of you may remember that I have an FeLV+ named Ember. She's still with me, though I have noticed something different lately, and I have another question about transporting her.

In the last week or so, I've noted that Ember's pupils are sometimes not the same size. I did a search for anisocoria and found nothing in the archives. Has anyone seen this occur in their cats? It seems to be similar to how headaches are in people... could be just normal stuff all the way up to being a really serious issue. The articles seem to indicate that this can happen with viral infections like FeLV, but other than low wbc, there aren't any symptoms. It doesn't really make sense.

Ember's last CBC had an especially low white blood cell count... I think it was 4.2. She's been on interferon ever since testing positive in 2006, and while I'd taken her off DMG, she's going back on it as soon as I get my shipment.

Also, it looks like I'm going to be moving back to Madison, Wisconsin. I'm trying to figure out the best way to get Ember to our new home. I'm willing to pay to fly the both of us up (with her being in the cabin with me), but I'm wondering if anyone has any other ideas or tips they'd be willing to share. I know that transport is frequently done by so many of you, which is why I ask this here.

My best to all of you and your cats,


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