I am new to this group. I live in Spain and have some language difficults, so, sorry for the faults.

I am an active member of a cat rescue group. In july I found a kitten in the street with the eyes seriously dammaged. We went to the vet and all was well, excep the positive result to FelV. A friend on mine is fostering her. She seems to be healthy and hapy. I want to give her an opportunity to live with good QOL as long as possible.

Unfortunately most vets does not share my opinion, and they think it is not worth.

I insist... I read all I can find.

I am giving Xana
L-Lysina (for her eye condicion)
Vetinmune (as inmunomodulator)

And I insist to put her on interferon. The vet said that -in that subclinic stadium- the alfa (humane) interferon is the election treatment. When symtoms appear, then it will be the moment to give the omega interferon...

My questions are:
1) HAVE ANYONE EXPERIENCE IN THE USE OF FELINE OMEGA INTERFERON WITH ASYMPTOMATIC CATS?? I know it can not clear the virus, but ... Can it to prevent the development of any of the illness related with FelV??

2) About propiobacterium acnes. I cant find it in Spain. The laboratory does not produce it anymore, and change it for a new product: Corynebacterium parvum (inmufort complex (R). It is used for cows. A colegue (that has a FelV shelter) wrote me to advice she is using it in her 8 FelV+ cats... she said is working well... her oldest cat is now 8 years old.

3) Xana has also chronic diarrhea, in spite I put her on intestinal diet, does no make solid faeces...

Any other non invasive tratment can be usefull???

Thanks for your atention

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