I'm so sorry to hear about Tora.
I've have read your postings about him even though at the time I wasn't able to respond to due computer problems. Now I'm able too.
Yes, he was blessed to be in a loving home and died without you being present.
My experience is cats will do this.
My Smokey did this to me a few years ago when he died. I stayed close to him for his last 3 days as I was exhausted from no sleep and worried about him. Then when I drifted off to a nap close to him something tugged at me to wake up and I did. I seen he passed. I didn't want him to be alone and wanted to be with him when he left.
Guess he didn't want me to make such a big deal so he did this and caught me off guard.
He was 19 years old died to kidney failure and his old body couldn't take it anymore. He was Felv negative.
I had him since he was 5-6 weeks old and he traveled with me where ever I went. He was my shadow. I know a few of you remember me posting about him.
If you go to my site you can read about my Tazzy. He was Felv positive. He left me at 2 years old. I didn't get to say good bye to him either. He was around and grew up with Smokey & my other cats. Smokey and the other cats never got Felv from Tazzy. They all slept, ate, played, and used the same litter boxes.
So often it is true that cats do perk up and eat in their final days for whatever reasons.
I've had this happen too and I know I'm going to loose them.
Just remember Tora loved you!
The day will come when we all will be with our cats that have passed again.
Meanwhile they will send other angels to us to help. When we least expect it.
You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Sultan, WA. 98294
Terrie Mohr-Forker
501(c)3 Non-Profit national rescue.
All donations are tax deductible.

Copyright © 2007-2009 Tazzy' All rights reserved.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Felvtalk] Tora has died
From: "amanda" <>
Date: Thu, October 01, 2009 11:54 pm
To: <>

Hello everyone, With a heavy heart I have come to tell you that our beloved 1 1/2 year old FeLV/ lymphoma cat has died.
He died peacefull at home last night... He was put on steriods 3 months ago to help him be able to eat because of the big lymphoma in his chest,, he did well for 2 months.. but last month the lymphoma wouldn't respond to it anymore and we tried elspar injection but it didn't help either.. and luckily didn't effect Tora in a bad way too.. the only thing that helped Tora live the last 3 weeks as comfortabley as he could was himself knowong that he couldn't eat normal amounts of food anymore.. the first few days he was still determined to eat and would vomit it right back again :( so he learned that he couldn't eat like that anymore and accepted to eat in small ammounts and always minced raw chicken and some liver.. he would stil go out and sometimes bat at an insect but mostly he just sat arround and watched our other cats..the last week he had gone off the chicken and only eat egg yolks or chicken intestines...which Japanese often give their pets..
The last 3 weeks is was on no meds and had no vet visits and no sub fluids and I can honestly say that his last days were quite comfortable compared to mt other cats who had been pumped up with fluids and drugs :( so I am pleased with that and pleased that he didn't have to get stressed out at the vets...
The day before yesterday he seemed a little better (he was only on fermented turmeric the last 3 weeks too)
he scratched at the cat board and begged more food and jsut seemed happy.. but I kind of know taht the end was near as he was so skinny...>> i wonder if anyone knows why cats and humans sometimes look and feel better a couple of days before they die??
Yesterday Tora didn't want his breakfast, at about 10a.m he licked some egg yolk only... and after that wouldn't accept anything.. so I knew then too that the end was near and didn't force anything on him..... last night he tried to climb the stairs which he did everynight but could only make it half way, and laid down in his side on the widest stair... I went to sleep at 11 and tickled his chin.. but this time he didn't want to be touched... so I stroked him and told him that I loved him and went to bed, this morning I found him on the same stair , he had died dueing the night.. he never cried out and he looked very peaceful....... I am glad that I resisted and didn't take him to the vets those last weeks.. as I have gobe through this 3 times now.. I know in the last stage nothing can help..... my other cats suffered terribley the last days but Tora showed no sign of big pain.. only last day he seemed more tired.....
We will miss him so much though and it is really sad that he ahd to get FeLV :(
Also last week his father died, the neighbours black cat.... yes I was so surprised he suddenly got some form of skin disease and had fleas and mites too and his face was swollen from the itching, he had lost almost all his fur arround his face and chest.. the owners only took him to the vets at the last minute and they said he couldn't be cured.. I am wondering if he had some food allergy and or virus or something.. I do wonder taht if they had cared more he could have lived longer... but I didn't get angry with them,, I just said they did their best and their cat was happy lol the happy terror of the neighbourhood!! he was sweet his last days and would often come here and sit on the chair outside...although he was a terror, it wasn't his fault and I think in the ned we forgave each other :)
I am glad that Tora wont be alone in Heaven....
Thankyou all as always for all your advice and help over the past year.. I love you all
hugs and purrs
Amanda and cats.
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