Hooray for you and your vet! I think it's a good idea. We began losing our 
kittens at around 7 1/2 months old. We lost 4 littermates before they hit a 
year old-well, the last was exactly a year old. They were a feral litter and 
must have been born with the virus. We began Interferon when they were about 5 
months old-1cc orally once a day. After the 3rd one passed away, I read up on 
the anti viral qualities and it seems one dose only stays at an active level 
about 1/2 a day. We began giving it 2x a day and still lost another one. We 
have the last littermate, the only female-Rosie, a sleek tabby and another 
non-related male-Murphy, a cool, fluffy tuxedo polydactyl (7 toes) that was 
tossed into the feral group-these 2 are just over a year old. We began the 
Imulan last month-before the anemia hits hard-we want these 2 to live so badly. 
On the baseline CBCs, Rosies platelets were low-2 weeks later they were in the 
normal range! The other levels are coming
 up too-PCV are higher. They are still testing positive (4th test) They are 
getting so energetic and playful-I can't belive they are the same cats! Murphy 
loves to chase the laser pointer now-he can leap up the wall and above the 
light switches-he can hit the switch with his big paws and turn the lights off! 
Rosie is addicted to fetching her little sheepskin mousie. It's just exciting 
to have active cats, we never realized until now that they were rather 
sluggish-slept a lot. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but every minute 
we have is a gift. We can't give up yet-and the Interferon is easy-they come 
over and wait to have their doses. The injections take just a few seconds-we 
are saving money by doing them at home. You can't begin soon enough to be 
proactive andtry and slow the virus down-when they are infected so young, they 
crash so quickly-our first, Buster, was playing hard one day and crashed the 
next with his HC at 10. Thank you for caring so
 much for your baby. You can learn a lot by scrolling through the earlier 
posts. We are all learning from each other. Alice
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