Part 3
Angelica By now, after the deaths of my two precious boys Lukey, and then baby Chuckie, it was becoming clear that we were definitely seeing FIP in all three and on the right track with the intravenous ascorbate but just not using enough. Because Chuckie's immune system had been so terribly weakened by his earlier conventional treatment with numerous different antibiotics and steroids, we were up against a wall going into his IV ascorbate treatment, and even then, I was not totally sure that these cats could handle even greater amounts of ascorbate for their illnesses. Then I went digging for more information from Dr. Belfield's papers on how he had treated various diseases and I continued to see a recurring theme - the more grave the illness and virulent the virus, the more vitamin C it takes to destroy the virus. I finally began to see the big picture. We were not using enough vitamin C. Lukey had responded to a couple of drips but they were not continued because we thought the anemia was killing him. Chuckie had responded to at least five days' worth of drips but they were stopped when his fever first went down and we thought he was out of the woods, though clearly he was not. Now we have Angelica heading down the same path to the same sad fate, and finally, I knew what to do. Angelica was put on a drip alongside Chuckie when they were both hospitalized on November 10. Chuckie died on November 11 and Angelica was kept on the drip. Because she had not been dosed with the antibiotics and steroids that Chuckie had received, her immune system was in better shape and we had a better shot at saving her. Remembering how we had failed with Chuckie, in retrospect because of his weak immune system, because his drips were too low, and because the drips were stopped prematurely, Angelica's drips were titrated up rapidly to 2g (2,000 mg) per pound of body weight based on Belfield's protocol for severe disease, and though I wasn't sure how she would handle this load, she did fine and was kept at this level for 11 days. Her fever would drop by the end of each drip and I would take her home, though each morning when I would return for her next daily drip, her fever would be right back up to 104-105. This went on for the first 6 days of treatment and by the 7th day her fever was holding down when we would return for the next drip. Remembering the words of Dr. Belfield that the animal should be kept on the drip until the fevers REMAINED down for at least four days, we continued on with the drips. By the day of her last drip, day 11, her fever had been down for nearly five days and we felt comfortable stopping the drips, though large doses of vitamin C were added to her food to prevent her from suffering a rebound scurvy effect from stopping the high dose vitamin C abruptly. To date, Angelica continues to be asymptomatic and has made her way back to baseline and beyond. She plays with the third of her litter mates, Tommy, who was fortunate enough to avoid the FIP. She eats like a pig and is getting both raw and canned food laced with vitamins and ongoing vitamin C. Though each morning I remember the scenario with poor Chuckie as I reluctantly proceed to feel Angelica's little ears and body for any sign of a fever, by God's grace and the miracle of ascorbic acid she remains cool and with each day that passes I believe we have beat this virus. Sally Snyder Jewell Sally Snyder Jewell, Marketing Director Tower Laboratories Corporation 1-877-TOWER-LABS Practicing Medicine Without <> a License? The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease, by Owen Fonorow and Sally Snyder Jewell _______________________________________________ Felvtalk mailing list