Lorrie, your vet was right.  we  want to keep our ufrry friends and our family 
here with with us forever or at least as loong as possible.  sometimes that is 
not best for them.  irealized that when my fatherpassed at 92.  i wantd so for 
him to stay longer, but he was tired of figting the illness and the pain.  that 
is the point that we have to be brave for our loved ones and let them go.  we 
have beautiful memories to keep with us until we see them on the other side.  
---- Lorrie <felineres...@kvinet.com> wrote: 
> Thank you Sharyl. This morning I had to take my old sweetie to 
> the vet to be put to sleep.  He was 17 years old and had been 
> dealing with kidney failure for over a year. As all of us know,
> making the decision to put a pet to sleep is one of the most
> difficult decisions we ever have to make, but my wonderful vet
> helped me decide when he said keeping an old terminally ill cat
> alive is more for the owner than for the cat, who has no quality
> of life left.
> Beezer was a stray when I rescued him in 1993 and he had a long
> happy life, as an indoor/outdoor cat who had the best of both worlds.
> Losing a special pet is always terribly hard, but I sincerely believe 
> we will meet again at the rainbow bridge.
> Lorrie
> On 06-12, Sharyl wrote:
> > Lorrie, I understand what you are going through with your CRF
> > kitty.  It seems if a kitty lives long enough he develops CRF. 
> > That is a tough chronic disease to manage.  I found lots of info
> > and help at www.felineCRF.org   Hugs to your sweetie. Sharyl
> > 
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