I'm sorry you and your cat are going through this.  There is a lot you can do 
starting with getting food into her.  Sounds like she is jaundiced which is a 
sign of Hepatic Lipidosis.  The cure for this if food.  FHL makes a cat very 
nauseated which definitely affects their appetite.   

Talk to your vet about testing for FHL.  Ask your vet for something for the 
nausea like ondansetron.  There is a Yahoo Assist Feeding group you can join.

She needs food to help with the FeLV and cure the FHL.  You will have to assist 
feed her.  FAF has some good info on how to do this.  I have syringe fed many 
cats.  You can start with a meat baby food (no onions or garlic) which can be 
syringe fed without dilution.  You can get the syringes from you local pharmacy 
in the baby section.  I blend a jar of meat baby food with a can of pate style 
food and syringe feed that.

You can add the abx, Pet-Tinic and other supplements to the food you are 
syringe feeding.  Pet-Tinic does not have folic acid which is also needed for 
the anemia.  

If she is going to have a chance you need to actively work on getting food into 
her.  Get copies of all her test results from the vet.  This is a must if you 
are going to help her.  Everyone should always get copies of all test results 
from their vet.  You need the info to research treatment options.

Don't know what else to say - feed the cat!

--- On Tue, 9/28/10, A D <unspecifie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: A D <unspecifie...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Questions about FeLV
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 3:24 AM
> Hi, my cat was the picture of health
> about two weeks ago. She’s 2 years
> old, female, spayed, orange tabby. She would literally
> bounce off the walls
> running around the house. She’s so wonderful ♥
> Anyway, about two weeks ago, she started sleeping
> constantly, and one day
> (9/17) I noticed her nose, gums, and pads had turned
> white…instead of
> their normal pink. So I took her in and they took some
> blood…said that day
> that she is VERY anemic L Since that was a Friday, we got
> the results the
> following Monday. FeLV L She barely eats, almost never uses
> the litter box
> (and her urine is pretty dark when she does go), sleeps
> almost 24 hours a
> day, and has lost a bit of weight (not good when she only
> started at 7lbs
> in the first place L).
> I got her Pet-tinic vitamins cuz a vet suggested them. I
> tried to get her
> to drink kitten formula cuz I figured part of it’s job is
> to help kittens
> build up their immune systems. She was put on antibiotics
> the Monday that
> her tests came back. After 4-5 days, she began refusing the
> medicine. It’s
> a liquid and she would spit it all back out. So, she
> probably didn’t get
> all she was supposed to. 
> When she does eat, it is usually just the liquid part of
> canned cat food.
> She is still able to jump off the bed and walk to the
> kitchen (where the
> dry food bowl and litter box are), but usually wears out on
> her way back
> out of the kitchen, and lays down. She is so skinny…I’m
> not even sure she
> has much muscle left. She has always been skinny, but not
> like this.
> Well, a few days ago, her white pads and nose started
> turning yellow. I
> know that has something to do with her liver not working
> right. 
> Oh yeah…the way the vet put her anemia…normal range is
> 29%-45% (or
> something like that), and my kitty’s came back at 16% L
> Does anyone have any advice as to what we could do to help
> her? How will we
> know if she has pain?
> The vet that gave us the results (a substitute cuz regular
> vet was out for
> the week) said if she makes it the next couple months, and
> seems any
> better, to get her re-tested. That some cats fight it off
> and can test
> negative a couple months later. So, that means SOME cats
> get over this. And
> I read online that some cats live for a few years with it,
> after showing
> symptoms. Just gives me a little hope…then I look at
> her…and she looks so
> bad…and I think there isn’t much hope. So hard to
> watch.
> At what point do you give up and have an FeLV+ cat put to
> sleep? I figured
> if she shows signs of being in pain (once I know what those
> are), or has a
> seizure, or absolutely stops eating and drinking anything,
> that it would be
> time. I don’t want her to suffer, but I also want to give
> her every chance
> to survive…ya know?
> Anyway, thanks for letting me go on and on…as you can
> tell this is really
> very hard on me emotionally, as I’m sure it is on anyone
> and everyone who
> has to deal with it.
> ~Anndrea 
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