Hi Michael,

I will get a donation off to you. Maybe I can manage 50.00 or 100.
I know how expensive it is.  We have 14 rescued cats at home, plus we
bought a large building in town in 2004 and made it into a cageless
cat santuary with cat furniture, climbing posts and all the comforts
of home. Expenses on the building, such as heat & electricity, plus
cat food, litter and vet bills are horrendous!  We have 15 cats in 
the building and they keep on coming...... Some of our cats are also
FelV positive, and they have their own quarters in the bldg.  It is
terrible to have to turn cats away sometimes, but we have no help 
and we cannot take in so many that they are not properly cared for.

I hope some of the other cat people will help you too. What is your
mailing address?

Lorrie in WV

On 11-17, Second Chance Meows wrote:
> please cross post to all groups and rescues
> We Need Heroes, people willing to step up and help these furry
> kids.  we here at Second Chance have been giving these little ones
> a home with love and care to over 30 cats, for over 8 years . We
> are totally out of pocket. Our vet bills run in the average of
> hundreds ( we have 10 cats with us now) and that's when they are in
> good health. when they get sick the vet costs can raise
> dramatically.  food costs average about 100.00 per month. vitamins,
> food supplements to help boost their immune systems, litter,
> climbing trees, waterfalls ( for high o2 content), toys, beds,
> perscriptions all come out of our pockets. Please we need HEROES to
> help us in our fight to keep these cats for being KILLED
> http://secondchancemeows.chipin.com/second-chance-meows-xmas-fund-raiser
> Michael Johnson
> Founder/Owner
> Second Chance Meows
> A FeLV Sanctuary

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