after a good morning yesterday, now Whimsy is refusing to eat again.  Tuna, 
sardines, treats, nothing - have to try KFC today.  He is having bursts of 
playing alot, wants to cuddle, then gets pissed off and kicks litter out of his 
box, paces around crying and begging to go outside.  He is depressed and 
angry.  I just can't wrap my head around letting him out in all that snow and 
cold - after we made such progress. We live off a busy street - it's everything 
we got away from with him. The other thing is now he knows we live on the other 
side of the door with other kitties.  Everything was fun until this dr apt and 
the outside door to his room froze over.  
I am going to get my vet to call in a cypro rx, but how I will pill this guy, I 
have no idea.  
this is so heartbreaking, in light of his excellent check up.  

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