
I am in Ohio so can't help you that way but would strongly recommend
you get Leona Jean on L-Lysine.  I cannot tell you exactly what it is
or how it does what it appears to do but I am sure some of the others
can fill you in.

I have two cats that are FIV positive and have had them on L-Lysine
for well over a year.  After a few weeks any recurrence of their upper
respiratory symptoms was negligible and neither of them has had a
recurrence at all in many months.  Both are fat and sassy, with clear
eyes and noses.  No sneezing, rattling, etc.  It apparently helps
bolster their immune system and while I in no way think it is a
miracle or the end-all for this nasty disease, I think it is of great

Go on line and look for it or go to a local health food store.  If
your cat is picky or hard to pill or medicate I suggest the soft
treats.  A bit more expensive but great for fickle cats.  My two will
fight over the things and come running when I rattle the container
they are in.


On 2/20/11, czadna sacarawicz <> wrote:
> Leona Jean is the FIV female who came to my patio on Thanksgiving Day. I
> have written of her before and was graciously advised to check out the FIV
> group.
> Her upper respiratory symptoms are back - - the worst since she presented.
> Leona Jean  is now having a little goop in the corners of her eyes and the
> mucous is beginning to string.  She has been on about four different
> antibiotics.  The vet said on the last visit that her lungs sounded clear.
> Does that mean nose & sinuses are where the infection is?   We just finished
> the 200 mg azithromycin the vet put her on last time.  Leona Jean's
> respiratory symptoms diminish only somewhat but really don't even come close
> to clearing.
> The vet had advised to use the azithromycin daily and then on alternate
> days.  Humidity and hydrating with juice don't seem to help like they did
> before.  She won't drink homemade chicken broth either.
> comments?
> I wouldn't fight at all if someone knew of a superb FIV home for her.  My
> own local inquires have come up empty.  She is sweet, sleeps with me, maybe
> has a megacolon.  We are in the Piedmont of NC.
> Thank you.
> Megan
> which brings the third comment:  dealing with personal exhaustion; finding a
> balance; $ issues.                                            
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