So sorry for the loss of Patches. I have the same thoughts about Amber as far 
her dying from starvation. She was truly just a few days away from death I have 
no doubt. At least she has a chance and won't die out in the woods.

From: Diane Rosenfeldt <>
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 6:34:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Thank You for your Advice

Yikes. Perhaps this vet should recuse himself from *treating* cats? A vet is
actually supposed to know stuff even though he isn't a "_____ person." I'm
glad you have other choices. 

When we took our Patches (the reason I am on this list, though he died a few
years ago) in for testing (he had just showed up on our doorstep one summer
night, demanding our attention, and terribly, terribly matted) our vet told
us he was FeLV+, and in the next breath said, "These are your options..."
Euthanasia was one of them, of course, but we were happy that she wasn't
pushing it, and the other options included seeing how things went and fairly
conservative treatment, and since we love animals but are not made of money,
we eagerly did that. Things didn't go well, unfortunately, and he became
symptomatic -- lymph nodes swollen, stopped eating -- and we let him go. He
was such a sweet guy, it still makes me sad to think we didn't have time to
really get to know him, and he never got a chance to leave the room we were
caring for him in, which he really wanted to do. But we are happy that he
came to us because if he had stayed on the street he would have had a much
worse end.

Diane R.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jannes Taylor
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Thank You for your Advice

Actually it was a young (early twenties) vet who didn't even know what an
IFA test was. He had to go "read up" about FeLV when I was there. He
did tell me he was not a "cat person." He was the new kid on the block with
the four other vets who are in the same office. Unreal!!
I took one of my other cats to the clinic last Saturday for her yearly
check-up/vaccines and thank God I saw the vet I like and have seen the most
of during the last 8 years. He was sympathetic, but he was extremely
concered about exposing my other cats. I do think he would put her down if
it was up to him. 
However, he did not come out and actually say that. It was just the
impression I got.
I do think I will take Amber to see another vet who is recommened to me when
I take her back for retesting. He has his own cat just roaming around in his
office during the day. I bet he is a cat person!

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