I'm just going to pray that the IFA test is negative and the virus will clear her system and will test negative on the ELISA test. My thoughts and prayers are with you as I just recently lost a 9 mos old kitten to FeLV that I adopted 6 mos prior. She still has a chance, until then, let's just all pray and hope for the best!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Pam Norman" <pam_nor...@charter.net>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 9:28 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Poppy

Poppy is a little wild 6 month old kitten just tested & found FeLeuk positive. She was one 3 beautiful white with black kittens trapped on Monday. She is mostly white with a black mask & a black tail with a little white tip. Pale green eyes like those marbles we used to play with as kids. Her mother & siblings all tested negative.

We had blood drawn yesterday for the IFA test & are waiting for that to determine what to do. If it's positive, then we will be trying to find a place for this beautiful little girl to live out what she has of her life. If negative, then we will retest at some point & she will join her brother Percy & sister Prissie in being socialized & readied for adoption. At the moment she is in a condo in the back of my car while we wait for the test results. I don't want to bring her into my spare room at this point when the test results are pending as being wild, catching her again right away would be a huge challenge!

I have 10 cats of my own in a little house & I know that a FeLeuk cat can safely share a house with negative kitties, provided they are kept separate. I don't want her to be alone, whether she is definitely positive or turns out to be negative & I can't take in any more cats - doctor's orders.

Any advice or information would be gratefully received,

Pam In Wisconsin
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