I think talking with a feline cancer group will be helpful.  I couldn't tell 
you because I don't know a lot about lymphosarcoma.  I'm sure the vets are 
telling you to let him go but you have to make the call and don't do it until 
you're sure so you won't regret it and wonder later on.  I guess it depends on 
the success rate of doing chemo on lymphosarcoma at this stage.  Maybe you 
should try to consult with a vet oncologist immediately about his chances.  If 
the chemo could give him several more months is it worth it?  If the chemo 
could give him another year is it worth it?  Chemo can be rough but I'm in a 
dog cancer group and usually after a few days of being sick after the chemo 
treatments the dogs are okay until the next round.  I'm not sure how it affects 
cats though.  My dog was diagnosed a couple months ago with bone cancer and 
chemo wasn't an option but radiation was an option for just a few extra months 
with him.  I asked myself those questions about how long would it give him and 
would the pain he would endure be worth it.  It's different for me because my 
dog is old so I had to take that into consideration.  Seems like I read in one 
of the e-mails that Dexter isn't that old.  Anyway, I had a little time because 
my dog wasn't in pain so I talked with two different oncologist and they both 
said the same thing.  Talking with an specialist made me feel better about my 
decision.One thing I have learned from the dog bone cancer group I'm in is that 
there are no wrong decisions.  You do what you think is right for Dexter.  You 
know Dexter better than any vet so it's your call and it won't be a wrong 

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

> From: skastel...@cicresearch.com
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 21:55:58 -0700
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Dexter
> Ben, my husband and I are praying that the best decision for Dex will become 
> obvious to you, whatever that is.  The most difficult decision is deciding 
> that his quality of life...tubes, pills, anything out of the ordinary on a 
> morre than temporary basis, would serve only those who will be left behind.  
> God bless you and your family as you wrestle with this difficult decision.  
> Dexter....we love you.  Please..let your beloved Daddy look in your eyes and 
> tell him what you need.  Sara
> ------Original Mail------
> From: "Ben Williams" <drsiebl...@gmail.com>
> To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> Sent: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 21:25:37 -0500
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Dexter
> We are having a hard time making a very tough decision for Dexter. In the 
> past three days, Dex has suffered facial and paw swelling and has started 
> having difficulty breathing. Today has been bad and he is now receiving 
> oxygen at the Dallas emergency vet clinic. X-rays show that he has lymph node 
> involvement in every area and his liver and spleen are enlarged and have move 
> out of the proper body cavity. This puts him in, I think, stage 4 of 
> lymphosarcoma. He is whimpering and obviously in pain. We don't want to give 
> up and we are willing to do chemo for him. We want to do what's best for 
> Dexter, but it is so hard to make that final decision. Is it time for his 
> suffering to be over? Does he have a chance? 
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