Oh Natalie, I'm glad that you are safe and that you are back "with us." I've been wondering about you.

I hope everything can back as close to normal as possible, and soon!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Natalie" <at...@optonline.net>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2011 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] where to purchase LTCI

Hi, everyone - I am back!  Irene really socked it to us - no power from
Sunday 3 AM until Thursday afternoon and cable only yesterday
afternoon...and without cable, we had no telephones! Now I'm going through
a week's worth of mail, which is quite a daunting enterprise!
I hope that everyone else who was in Irene's path is OK!

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Gloria B. Lane
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2011 5:30 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] where to purchase LTCI

OK Thanks - yup I like Twinlab.


On Sep 3, 2011, at 4:17 PM, Marcia wrote:

Super b complex by twinlab. I ordered from amazon. U can get a
twinpack. Gmc also makes liquid b's with more b12 but not as wide a
spectrum of the different b's. I just give the b12 separate. Cat
dose is 1/10 of human dose.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 3, 2011, at 3:36 PM, "Gloria B. Lane" <gbl...@aristotle.net>

Which liquid human B's?  I might like to get some - like from the
drug store, etc?


On Sep 3, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Marcia wrote:

I got on a CRf site that I've used and they recommended human b's.
So I am giving him liquid b complex and also the methyl b 12 since
the bcomplex isn't high in b12. I also ordered wellness canned
food. He has eaten twice today. I mix it with water for fluids.
But I do have to stick it under his nose and hold the bowl for him
(and I don't mind). (-:

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 3, 2011, at 1:32 PM, "Gloria B. Lane"
<gbl...@aristotle.net> wrote:

Hmmm.  Think blood work would add some insight into things like
potassium, blood counts.  Can see if anemic, etc. Good that his
gums are pink.  Not sure about the baby aspirin, maybe she's
assuming pain?

How bout some Pettinic or something like that with b vitamins


On Sep 3, 2011, at 1:31 PM, Marcia Baronda wrote:

She did not do lab work. She said it won't make any difference
in the way he will be treated. She had not heard of the ltci but
did seem interested after reading through some of the data. She
immediately got on the computer to look it up. My a ppt was at
the end of the day so she said she wasn't to sure she could even
talk to them and may not be able to until Tuesday because of the
holiday. I think that they think he is too far gone. But how
could it be that Thursday morning he comes up the stairs, rubs
all over my legs, purrs and now he can't walk without stumbling
all over? That makes no sense to me. Could it be that he is low
on potassium? But how, when he had fluids? Maybe he has a brain
tumor or something. He just peed on my couch twice. Just laid
there and did it. Not like him. She also said he is not anemic.
His nose is very pink and his gums are pink. Well that's all I
know. Oh, I did just give him 500 mcg of methyl B12. It won't
hurt!  She also told me to give him 81 mg of baby aspirin 2X a

Thanks you guys for listening(-:

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 3, 2011, at 10:02 AM, "Gloria B. Lane" <gbl...@aristotle.net
> wrote:
I was thinking about that.  I haven't been following all of
this, but with anemia, that's what I did with Mittens (a long
time ago).  Some vets just aren't really willing or able to try
and help a sick FELV cat - though they might be trainable :)
You can of course give him sub-q fluids at home.

My vet said that we could do a couple of blood
transfusions, ,but that no more than that.  Not sure why - for
biological reasons or practical reasons.  but a transfusion
might pump him up till he could get LTCI or interferon or
something.  Course as I recall, interferon alpha is more of a
preventative than a treatment. Not sure about interferon omega.


On Sep 3, 2011, at 9:29 AM, Lynda Wilson wrote:


Has Fletch had a blood transfusion yet? I've heard this helps
tremendously. Did your vet tell you she will order the LCTI?
Did she do any lab work to find out what his blood cell counts

He may have not cried all the way there because he is too
weak.  I'm so sorry he is such bad shape!!

In my opinion, just go with your heart. I know you don't want
the poor little guy to suffer.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Marcia Baronda"
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2011 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] where to purchase LTCI

Hi everyone
I hope everyone and all kitties are happy and doing well.
I'm really afraid that I am going to lose Fletch. I took him
back to the vet yesterday for sub q fluids. He had a temp of
over 105. Bonier than what he was last week. She gave him a
long lasting penicillin shot. She did mention that most
people don't mess with it, they euthanize. He didn't cry all
the way there (25 miles) which is highly unusual. I gave her
the info on LCTI and she was on the computer looking it up
when I left. I asked just HOW sick is fletch and she said
VERY. When I got him home he was extremely off balance and
couldn't navigate. He wasn't like that the day before. His
quality of life sucks! It's hard for me to tell if this is
permanent or just a passing bacterial infection. Opinions
from the experts? (all of you)(-:

Thanks so much

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 31, 2011, at 9:13 PM, katskat1 <katsk...@gmail.com>

Is each vial an individual dose or are there multiple doses
per vial?
I am afraid this is way too expensive for my unemployment
check but
want the info if I have to try to find a way to obtain it.


On 8/31/11, HIDEYO YAMAMOTO <hideyo.yamam...@msn.com> wrote:

Hi, I just ordered 10 vials for $420 plus shipping through
a distributor in
Texas, let me know if someone needs more infor.

From: drsiebl...@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 22:58:05 -0500
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] where to purchase LTCI

Definitely try to get some LTCI.  We put dexter on it for
the last few weeks
of his life and I feel that if we had started sooner, he
might have lived a
bit longer.  LTCI is only available from the manufacturer:
if your vet will order it, they will overnight the
medication to the vet.  I
was paying roughly $60 per dose at 1 dose every three days.
It is possible
to be more aggressive with the treatment and administer it
daily. The other
up-side to this medication is that it is administered via
injection - immunoregulin, on the the other hand, is via IV
injection. The
IV injection will stress the kitty out about 1000 times
more than a sub-q
injection. Immunoregulin also made Dexter spike a fever
after each dose -
something he didn't need and quickly wore him out.  Tcyte
can also slow the
inevitable appearance of dreaded lymphatic cancer.  Many
benefits with this
stuff.  Please call the tcyte folks tomorrow - they are
very helpful and
will give you all the info you need.

-- My iPhone told me to send this message. --

On Aug 30, 2011, at 10:43 PM, Marcia Baronda

Hi everyone
I really need some help.
fletch is really not feeling well. His fever is back and he
hides in the
basement. Two times now he has missed doses of his
antibiotic because i
cannot find him anywhere. It seems like I can feel more of
his backbone and
his hipbones even though he continues to eat, but not as
well. I don't know
what to think. I feel so bad for him, he seems miserable.He
acts like the
base of his ear hurts when I touch him but the vet said he
had never seen
such clean ears. I think I need a different antibiotic,
this amoxi isn't
working, or doees it take longer to work? There seemed to
be a teensy bit of
improvement, but now I feel like he looks as bad as the day
I took him to
the vet. What about this LTCI. Is this something I should
discuss with my
vet? Is it better than immunoregulin. I just feel like my
poor little cat is
wasting away here fast and there's something else I can be
doing for him
What do I do????
Natalie, are you and all of your babies OK?

Thanks so much

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 3:42 PM, HIDEYO YAMAMOTO

Where do you guys get LTCI?
the distributor that my vet uses now only carry 3 vials set
- they used to
have 10 vials as it is much chepaer that way- could you
tell me where is the
best place to get LTCI?


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Marcia Baronda
Baronda Supplies & Service, Inc.
1550 S 2700 Rd.
Herington, Kansas 67449
Phone: 785-466-2501
Cell:    785-230-6499

" I wish to address ethics as it applies to our companion
animals. As a
veterinarian, I am an advocate for the rights of these
wonderful beings who
inhabit the earth and our homes, sharing this journey with
us. It is my
conviction that these animals,and all plants and animals,
domesticated or
wild, have inherent rights that are separate from their
ability to benefit
humans. They have the same right to exist as we do."  Don
Hamilton DVM

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