this is what I found off the internet.  I didn't hear that about making threw 
the 5 phases, because there is a 6 when the disease takes over.  I know she's 
lonely sometimes because she loved being part of the family.  She was accepted 
by all the other cats.  I'm torn between trying to find her another cat with 
FELV or hoping she gets used to being by herself.  Spicy actually named 
herself.  We were driving home from the shelter and I wanted to name the other 
cat we adopted Spicy because she's orange.  Well Spicy kept answering to the 
name.  Now Spicy is black and I never thought of naming a black cat Spicy, but 
she had other ideas.  I like the name Chloe we had a cat for 14 years named 
Chloe, she had to be pts when her kidney's shutdown.  
 The disease has a wide range of effects. The cat can fight off the infection 
and become totally immune, can become a healthy carrier that never gets sick 
itself but can infect other cats, or a mid-level case in which the cat has a 
compromised immune system.[citation needed] Nevertheless, the development of 
lymphomas is considered the final stage of the disease. Although it is thought 
that virus protein has to be present to induce lymphomas in cats, newer 
evidence shows that a high percentage of FeLV-Antigen negative lymphomas 
contain FeLV-DNA, indicating a "hit-and-run" mechanism of virus induced tumor 
Once the virus has entered the cat, there are six phases to a FeLV infection:
        * Phase One: The virus enters the cat, usually through the pharynx 
where it infects the epithelial cells and infects the tonsorial B-lymphocytes 
and macrophages. These white blood cells then filter down to the lymph nodes 
and begin to replicate. 
        * Phase Two: The virus enters the blood stream and begins to distribute 
throughout the body. 
        * Phase Three: The lymphoid system (which produces antibodies to attack 
infected and cancerous cells) becomes infected, with further distribution 
throughout the body. 
        * Phase Four: The main point in the infection- where the virus can take 
over the body's immune system and cause viremia. During this phase the 
hemolymphatic system and intestines become infected. 
If the cat's immune system does not fight off the virus, then it goes onto:
        * Phase Five: The bone marrow becomes infected. At this point, the 
virus will stay with the cat for the rest of its life. In this phase, the virus 
replicates and is released four to seven days later in infected neutrophils 
(white blood cells), and sometimes lymphocytes, monocytes (white blood cell 
formed in the bone marrow), and eosinophils (another white blood cell). 
        * Phase Six: The cat's body is overwhelmed by infection and mucosal and 
glandular epithelial cells (tissue that forms a thin protective layer on 
exposed bodily surfaces and forms the lining of internal cavities, ducts, and 
organs) become infected. The virus replicates in epithelial tissues including 
salivary glands, oropharynx, stomach, esophagus, intestines, trachea, 
nasopharynx, renal tubules, bladder, pancreas, alveolar ducts, and sebaceous 
ducts from the muzzle. 

From: dot winkler <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] REPLY FROM DOT

Hi April - My vet didn't know anything about the 5 stages of the disease!!!!  
Can you believe this.  O.K.  So, what do you know about the 5 stages?  What 
does it mean?  I think I heard that if your cat can make it through all five 
stages, then they have developed an immunity to the disease.  Anyway, how is it 
keeping your cat apart from the others?  My cat is so lonely.  It breaks my 
heart.  She wants to play with the others. Esp the male cat who she knows from 
the clan where i rescued the two of them.  I really would love to adopt her 
out.  Just having a hard time finding someone.  P.S. - I like the name Spicy!  
It is cute.  Dot

From: April Johnson <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Update/MY CAT NEEDS HOME WITH FELV

Hi Dot, 
This is all new to me too.  I do have other cats at home, Spicy lives in a 
bedroom by herself.  She has two windows to look out of, a cat tree and a 
sofa.  Spicy has had no signs of the illness.  So I didn't know she had it.  I 
adopted her the first weekend in June and took her to the vet a week later.  
The receptionist at my vets was the one that stressed getting the test done 
because she knew that the shelter I adopted her from didn't test, I had no 
idea.  So for a week she was with my other cats.  I just looked it up there are 
6 stages of FELV.  Spicy is in stage 5. 

From: dot winkler <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Update/MY CAT NEEDS HOME WITH FELV

Hi April - I just read your mail.  My cat, Chloe, female one year old, pretty 
gray/black/caramel tabby, is also positive.  I have known since June when she 
had a fever.  She has stabilized and is doing so well now.  Very healthy and 
playful.  She is a little "squirt", i call her.  I have been looking for a home 
for her since I have two other negative cats and have to keep them separated.  
She is so cute.  i hated to just put her down so figured i would give it a shot 
to see if i could adopt her.  Do you have other cats at home? How is your cat 
doing now?  You said it's in her bone marrow.  Are there different stages?  I 
am not sure totally about the disease as this is the first cat I have ever had 
in 30 years that has the leukemia.  So, it is all new to me also.   Dot 
(freehold, NJ)

From: April Johnson <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 12:46 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Update


A couple of weeks ago I posted about my cat Spicy who I had adopted from animal 
control unaware she hadn't been tested for FELV/FIV.  I was questioning whether 
to get her a friend or not.  Last week I had her blood sent out to confirm if 
she really had FELV.   Well her results came in yesterday, it's in her bone 
marrow.  I still haven't decided on a friend for her yet, I'm unsure what to do 
with my house already full.  I think I would need to adopt another cat with it 
already in their bone marrow too, right?  I've never had a FELV+ cat, so I 
don't know what to do.

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