You arent kidding when you say there is conflicting info. That is exactly
why I got on this list. Everyone on here really cares about cats and the
diseases that affect them. You came to the right place. There is a  vet
online, Mike Richards DVM, who has some pretty good info on FeLV. Try to
give the best food you possibly can. Nutrition is extremely important.
Take care

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 1:26 AM, Anna Yeutter

> My previous foster baby (and now adopted baby, after a couple weeks
> absence) who was found when he was two weeks old in a Costco parking lot and
> who I bottle fed and fostered from when he was three weeks old, went in for
> his first vet visit today. The first thing the vet did was do the FeLV/FIV
> snap combo test after drawing some blood (oh boy Jean-Luc screamed and even
> growled).
> He walked back in later and showed me the kit with the blue dot at the top
> and the slight positive result for FeLV. I made another appointment to bring
> him in in three weeks to check again, but walked away feeling very negative
> (the vet made me feel like he was doomed). As of this moment, Jean-Luc has
> been doing well, gaining weight, playing actively and eating normally.
> I was going to have my parents bring my 11 year old cat up to live with me
> as well on Saturday (I'm a college student and just recently moved off
> campus into a pet-friendly apartment), but of course that has been put on
> hold. This means Jean-Luc is a very spoiled only-kitten, getting lots of
> love.
> I've tried to do some reading but it is so overwhelming and I'm exhausted
> from reading all the conflicting opinions. I would love to hear from some
> other people.
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> Felvtalk mailing list

*Marcia Baronda*
*Baronda Supplies & Service, Inc.*
*1550 S 2700 Rd.*
*Herington, Kansas 67449*
*Phone: 785-466-2501*
*Cell:    785-230-6499*
**" *I wish to address ethics as it applies to our companion animals. As a
veterinarian, I am an advocate for the rights of these wonderful beings who
inhabit the earth and our homes, sharing this journey with us. It is my
conviction that these animals,and all plants and animals, domesticated or
wild, have inherent rights that are separate from their ability to benefit
humans. They have the same right to exist as we do."  Don Hamilton DVM*
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