I guess the fact of the matter is, is that your kitten can live a very healthy 
life. If she tests positive, it doesn't necessarily  mean that she will be 
chronically ill. I really think that good nutrition also plays an enormous role 
in keeping them healthy. It's a very tough decision.  I feel for you. Best of 
luck to you and your little one.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 8, 2011, at 5:07 PM, dppl dppl <dppl1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I'm sorry I haven't figured out how to reply to specific threads, maybe 
> because I receive a digest instead of each post.  I'm using this site 
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org to 
> access the threads.  If someone can point me in the right direction about how 
> to properly use this site I would appreciate it. I'm sure it is somewhere in 
> the intro msg but I'm not thinking too clearly.  When I have a sick animal, I 
> get very upset.  Anyway, I wanted to throw out what the vet who diagnosed 
> this stray kitten using a elise test that was sent to a lab (not done at her 
> office)  told me today..  She said she called to find the latest protocols 
> about retesting and said that one way is to wait 30 days and repeat the test 
> but the other way is to do an IFA now and I would know once and for all if 
> the kitten is truely positive. I questioned her about what I was reading on 
> the internet about waiting a longer period to see if the cat reverts or 
> sheds, but she said this is what she was told is the latest protocol.   I did 
> read some of you about your cats coming back negative after retesting and 
> this gave me hope.
>   Mitt (for Mittens) b/c he has them is eating well and his bad breath went 
> away I guess from the antibiotics he is on. but tonight I saw he has 
> dandruff/scaling in his fur on the outer ear.  Now I fear he does have a 
> compromised immune system and a skin disease.  So I am bringing him back to 
> the vet on thurs to get this IFA test and for her to look at the skin and 
> tell me what it is.   I'm not sure I can handle a chronically ill cat again.  
> I took care of one of my older cats in the final stages of  kidney failure 
> for a year, including giving fluids but there was no issue of keeping 
> separate and fear of spreading illnesses to my other cats.  My remaining  4 
> cats were former strays/ferals that were over a year old when i took them in. 
> I got them sterilized but never kept up on shots and testing  b/c I kept them 
> inside and figured since they all lived outside more or less together if they 
> had something they all probably had it by then.  I've had them all over 11 
> years.  I have yet to find a really good vet where I live. Most just push 
> vaccinations and flea treatments. Most don't deal with stray cats. I've been 
> calling around cat rescues and those that take positive cats are full and 
> apparently the protocol here is that when they bring in strays/ferals to be 
> sterilzied, they give them a SNAP test (is that an elise test) and if they 
> test positive, they euthanize them apparently b/c they will not return them 
> to the colonies to spread the disease. So most don't have experience treating 
> cats with this illness.
> Anyway, thanks to anyone who made it thru this msg and has any further 
> comment.
> From: dppl dppl <dppl1...@yahoo.com>
> To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> Sent: Monday, November 7, 2011 8:33 PM
> Subject: Re: stray kitten positive any advice for me
> thank you all for responding so quickly.  when i have more time I will review 
> all archives. I hope i am posting correctly by sending these emails.  I see 
> my post  is all chopped up (at least in my display ). Thanks for your advice. 
>  I guess i will take things day by day.  thanks also for the  advice to get 
> the other test as a follow up.i can only hope it turns out negative. I am 
> worried about the redness of his gums which he is on an antibiotic for. Vet 
> attributed it to gingivitis and teething but this was pre finding out the 
> positive test results.
> From: dppl dppl <dppl1...@yahoo.com>
> To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> Sent: Monday, November 7, 2011 6:52 PM
> Subject: stray kitten positive any advice for me
> I came across this site, having just been informed by the vet that the 
> abandoned kitten I took in three weeks ago. Before I took it to the vet,  I 
> have been keeping it in a separate room but admit that since it seemed so 
> healthy I let it out for little walks.  I have 4 cats over 12 years old. 
> Other than walking on the same floors, they have not had contact with this 
> kitten.  In our short phone call, the vet basically said that she would 
> understand if I euthanized the cat and that she wasn't sure about false 
> positive and whether retesting would be worthwhile. The cat also has 
> hookworms.  When I took the cat in, she suggested that I give it its 
> vaccinations before waiting for test results.  I asked if the cat turned out 
> postitive, wouldn't this harm its immune system.  she said no.  Now when she 
> called she said she was surprised that the cat tested positive since, other 
> than the sore gums, which she attirbuted to teething and bad breath, she said 
> it seemed healthy.  It does seem healthy , eats well and plays. and is the 
> sweetest cat, loving and intelligent.  I am heartbroken about this. I'm sorry 
> I haven't had time to read all archives but I work from home and also take 
> care of my bedridden elderly mother.  Is there anyone out there would be kind 
> enough to give me some advice? Thank you. PS  the test done was elisa and it 
> just says "positive" the vet estimates the cat is from 5-6 months old.
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