A lot of vets think Stomatitis = FeLV, so that may be why she said she thought 
he had it.
Only one of my FeLV cats ever got Stomatitis & I had a negative cat that did 
have it.


 Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter! www.Furkids.org

From: Marta Gasper <marta.gas...@yahoo.com>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] new member

Welcome to the group_albeit circumstances but thats how most of us got here_I 
agree with Beth.
The symptoms you describe could be a number of diseases. No way to tell for 
sure if he has FeLV until he's been tested with a definitive test like an IFA, 
though in his case and given his age I'd say his former negative result is what 
it is.
I wonder why the vet thought it could be FeLV, specially since he has no 
diarrea/soft stools, blood disorders(wich show as blodd in stool). I wouldn't 
give him pred unless it is just supportve care, it suppreses the inmune system, 
the last thing any cat needs.
However if he has stomatitis I would.
I've had and have FeLV+s cats.
The one I've now is close to last stages, he's playful and animated but has a 
chronic URI, soft stools and bloody diahrrea, thrifty coat, sometimes he 
staggers, keeps getting sores, sneezes blood sometimes, that is because can't 
coagulate well, eats like a horse and hasn't gained an ounce. Well he has 
lately but my other cats would be basketballs if they ate like he does.
Besides he tested twice + on the ELISA and comes from a household where most 
cats were FeLV+. A hoarding situation, very sad but at least he has a better 
life now tho very limited.
Anyways I'd run a test first, to me I wouldn't jump to conclusions, stomatitis 
or other disorder sure could be. Don't put him on pred(steroids or 


--- On Wed, 11/16/11, Beth <create_me_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>From: Beth <create_me_...@yahoo.com>
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] new member
>To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
>Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 5:06 PM
>Debbie -
>There is no way to tell is he has FeLV without a blood test.Was the 11 year 
>old cat tested for FeLV? Just wondering how he would have gotten it if his 
>previous test were negative, though it can take 3 months for the bloodwork to 
>show a positive test.
>Prednisone depresses the immune system & should only be used in conjunction 
>with a specific medical diagnosis.
>Are his gums pink? He may be suffering from anemia. Is the stomatitis so bad 
>he cannot eat? Was the Pred given to him for the Stomatitis?
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter! www.Furkids.org
> From: "danbin...@netzero.com" <danbin...@netzero.com>
>To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 10:50 AM
>Subject: [Felvtalk] new member
>Boy, am I glad to find this website and group.
>I think my kitty, Buster (15 yo, neutered male), has FeLV.
>He stopped eating about 2 1/2 years ago.  I took him to the vet who was unable 
>to diagnose what was wrong with Buster, even after several visits.  I was 
>unable to get an ultrasound, which she said was the next step.  She decided, 
>with the information that she had, that Buster had cholangiohepatitis.
>Vet put him on 5 mg prednisolone and Cyroheptadine (appetite stimulant)
>After trying to wean him off, unsuccessfully, he had been on these drugs
 for 2 years.
>Yesterday, I was speaking to a (different) vet on the phone, and when I 
>described Buster she said she thought FeLV.  She said if he had a liver 
>disease, I would see jaundice.  Buster does have a number of clinical signs:  
>little appetite, slow but extreme weight loss, minor stomatitis, poor coat, 
>occasional eye problems.  No fever, no wounds, no diarrhea.
>In 2009, Buster's last blood test (which was fine), he had the ELISA test 
>which was negative.
>I forgot to mention that Buster did not get sick until I brought an 11 year 
>old rescue into the home.  All of my cats (3) are indoor only
>I guess my question, after this very long explanation (sorry), is are there 
>any cats being treated only with prednisolone?  I am not able to take Buster 
>to the vet due to a number of reasons.  After almost 3 years, he has taken a 
>big turn for the worse.  Usually, rebounds (with syringe feeding),
 but I don't think so, this time
>Thank you so much
>debbie  & buster 
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