*There are varying degrees of heart murmurs in cats.  They are measures in
fractions of 6.  For instance, a 2 out of 6, or 2/6,  is not as serious a a
4/6.  We had a cat who was diagnosed with a murmur, and we did not have the
money to get further testing done on him at that time because he was fresh
off the street, A stray that just followed me inside one day after I had
fed him.  lol  He looked awful, mainly because he had been living as a
stray with a bad flea allergy.  What a fantastic cat he proved to be!
Well, all was ell for about 6 months, then he started fainting (syncope),
and we were told to get the echo done.  We did, at a specialist here in San
Diego, with the help of some awesome MySpace friends and a chip in, and it
was learned then that he had cardiomyopathy with pulmonary edema and aortic
stenosis.  His lungs were so full of liquid and his heart had the all too
common cardiomyopathy cats get.  I was told by the specialty hospital vet
that it often happens that these disorders, heart murmur and
cardiomyopathy, go hand in hand (but not in every case).  Zoh's heart
murmur was a 4/6, which is significant.  They put Zoh on 3 meds which he
took for the rest of his life, every day.  Furosemide (lasix) for the fluid
in the lungs, Atenolol, a blood pressure med, and one more bp mes, I cannot
remember the name of,  but he got better.  I was told cats with
cardiomyopathy rarely live long, and Zoh lived 2 more years till he
succumbed to a heart attack and died in my arms, in my room.
I am hoping this info of my experience with heart murmurs might give you
something to talk about to your vet.  I would def ask what the meds are,
what class, and why he is prescribing them, as well as get a definite
diagnosis/prognosis in his professional opinion.  It sounds like he did not
give you enough info.  And, I would say the echocardiogram is very
important to get, even if it is a bit pricey and you might have to go a
little distance to find a place to get it done.  most vets do not have one
in their office, although if your cat is breathing hard, ask for a chest
xray, for starters.  (Not as expensive, either.  lol)    Good luck.

Love and Katnip,
                  ~Kat~     =^,,^=

**"I'm Kat Parker.  I park cats."**
*"Keep your kitties INSIDE, 24/7, 'cause an inside cat is a SAFE & HAPPY

---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: czadna sacarawicz <czadnasacaraw...@hotmail.com>
> To: feline leukemia list <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 20:56:47 +0000
> Subject: [Felvtalk] heart murmur; intermittent fresh blood in stool
>  There is always so much going on with us and our beloveds plus comings &
> leavings.
> I hesitate to interrupt but this is important to me  - - to us.
> Pookashay was diagnosed with heart murmur in May 2010.  Nothing was said
> re:  need for med.  Different vet listened to in spring 2011.  Nothing was
> said re:  murmur.  Now same vet hears and wants to put on meds; wants
> work-up.  In what circumstances would you put on meds?
> Meaow is cat abandoned at TS which had abscess under jaw in October.  had
> treated; then neutered about 2 weeks later.  now has intermittent fresh
> blood in stool.  stools are small & dark.  no problems before.  vet found
> no coccidia or worms in stool sample.  again vet wants to put on meds.
> feed canned food.  he wants to own me but keep caged in bedroom because
> SPCA accepted him for their waiting list.  fe leukemia cats are in main
> part of small apartment.   comments?  he is negative; has been vaccinated.
> a fighter & biter who is also very sweet.
> finally, Yahmuna is FIV cat which came to my door very, very sick last
> Thanksgiving.   SPCA accepted her in July for adoption center placement.
> went to see her yesterday.  very, very congested.  on antibiotics.  she is
> their cat now.  HOW CAN I HELP HER?
> thank you.
> czadna, Mama & Scrumptious & Luscious and Pookashay & Shallie Marie &
> Harold & James (and Meaow and Piedy Sven and Hope & Rasha Boo and Lila Bea
> - all on SPCA waiting list)
> m
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