Hi there all, just wanted to introduce myself and start some dialog concerning 
my cat community. I live out East on Long Island and my town is affected 
greatly by FIV and FELV cats. 

I have been a rescuer for 20 years and never seen outbreaks so fearsome. For 
over 15 years I never had FELV cats (a couple of FIV positives, but never 

Within the last year I've seen 6 of my cats come down with symptoms resulting 
in their deaths. Two were middle aged and one was a breeding female who lost 
the battle with FELV after being stressed by litters. Most of her brood has 
passed away and I now have four left, 2 from 2 different litters. It's 
heartbreaking to see them become symptomatic,and I recently lost my favorite in 
very bad circumstances. 

What I'm writing about is how to get a vet who knows that cat is FELV to help 
follow through with antibiotics, steroids, and a triple coctail. No one wants 
to try steroids as they fear the problems with the liver, but the cats die 
without them. How can I convince my vet to offer the steroids that they need to 
absorb the fluids once they start coughing? My last vet left me alone and at my 
wits end with just antibiotics and an IV D5W. Poor kitty died in the middle of 
the night due to fluid buildup. 

It seems to me that the vets out here just don't want to treat FELV cats 
because they consider it a poor outcome no matter what. 

Your thoughts? 


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