Hi, Thank you for asking..
Originally, there was a total of 11 felk kittens we had - and the kitten I 
mentioned to you who has been on LTCI, her name is Orphie - she was the 
smallest of all - the next smallest kitten, Little Blue unfortunately passed 
away, when she was seven weeks old, and Orphie almost died a couple of times 
also.. as mentiohned, she just never gained weight though she ate pretty well - 
 and all of sudden she stopped eating for a few times - and we made sure to 
keepn an close eye on them and give her subq fluid, everytime that happens and 
every time they have diarreah...
And we took seven of the larger kitteis to a sanctuary in Iowa.    and I kept 
three smallest kittens - among those three, her brother Raisenette, and Wooley 
passed away due to FIP - I was so devastated.. among 7 kittens who went to 
Iowa, two kittens passed away, which also has been devastating --- now I have 
Orphie who has been on LTCI for about 6 months or so -- my Gigner who is 8 
years old, who also is felk kitty gets LTCI - but not often.. I used to give 
Orphine twice a week - split vials with Wooley and Raisenette as I could not 
afford, and also because they were so small to get a whole vial -- 
Now Orphie and Ginger gets a shot every two to three weeks - 

From: marciabmar...@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 15:39:45 -0600
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] LTCI

This is great news for your kitten, you, and other Felv + cats that may have to 
have that someday. Very encouraging! How long will she be on it?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:12 PM, HIDEYO YAMAMOTO <hideyo.yamam...@msn.com> wrote:

Hi, I have been using LTCI on my felk kitten and she has been doing great!
She was 1lb runt who had struggled to put any weights even when she was 3 to 4 
months old - however, since I have been putting her on LTCI - she has become so 
healthy - now she weighs almost 7lb!
Anyway, I am looking for someone who may want to split the vials with me - I 
normally purchase 10 vials - but since she is on LTCI for every 2 to 3 weeks 
now. I wanted to split someone to be economical.
10 vials is $440 to 450 wiht tax plus shipping - please contact me if you are 
interested in doing so.
thank you.

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