Hi, Vicky,

Welcome!  My first suggestion would be to start them on some really good
vitamin supplements, good food, building up their natural immune systems.  I
have always given my FIV/FeLV cats 50mg of CoQ10 daily in their food. Get
the GNC Vegetarian formula because it's in powder form, easily opened (get
100mg caps). The first things that seem to show trouble are gums and teeth -
that's why CoQ10 is so great!  Any time there's the slightest sniffle, take
care of it.  Have never had a cat with FIP (wet or dry from). I'm sure
others will have advice about other treatments for you.

If kitty #3 was negative, and vaccinated, no reason not to keep him!



From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Vicky Eyal
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:46 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Felvtalk] New and Some Questions


Hi Everyone


I am new to this list and to the world of Feline Leukemia. We have 3
precious cats, and we found out at the end of last year that two are FeLV
positive, and of those two, one is FIP positive as well :(



Kitty1 (11 years old, male) is the reason we got any of them tested at all.
He was just a little "off" - more subdued, less energy, a little on the
skinny side. He tested positive for FeLV and FIP. Our vet put him on a round
of cortisone and antibiotics, and he seemed to bounce back. He still isn't
completely 100% though (although hard to pinpint actual behaviours, more
just a general sense I have), and is still skinnier than I would like.


Kitty2 (11 years old, male) also tested positive for FeLV (but not FIP). He
currently has no noticeable symptoms at all, although he does vomit a lot.
This has been going on for 5-6 years though, and he is long-haired, so I
don't think it is related.


Kitty3 (1 year old, male) tested negative for both viruses (and FIV). We had
him vaccinated against FeLV when he tested negative, and he had the booster
4 weeks later. We will continue to give him the vaccination every year.


If you got through all of this, thanks so much. Now my questions:


Q1. I want to start Kitty1 on some form of treatment, just to build him
up/keep him strong. I have the sense that all is not 100%, even although he
is not noticeably unwell, is eating fine etc. I was thinking of asking our
vet to start Interferon. Any thoughts here? Suggestions? Would something
else be better? Would it be bad to start a treatment like this before he is
noticeably sick? What is the recommended dosage here?

Q2. Is there anything I should be doing for Kitty2. He seems fine, hasn't
lost weight etc. He does throw up a lot, but has for the last 5-6 years.

Q3. We have decided to keep Kitty3 instead of rehoming him, after a lot of
thought. He has had 3 homes in the last year (a shelter rescue who was then
neglected by the person who adopted him... grrrr...), and he is so settled
with us, that I worry about trying to find him yet another home. I think he
must have been exposed by now in any case (the older boys would groom him on
the face when he was little), so my prayer is that he has immunity. Am I
being naive here? Should we find him another home?

Q4. Any tips, advice, suggestions on what I can do to prolong our boys'
lives with a reasonable quality?


Thanks so much in advance. And sorry for the long message.



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