I realize what PETA is trying to do with the propend legislation, but it
doesn't negate the conditions at Caboodle, nor how the creep took money for
personal use even though at the same time he was paying himself a hefty
salary! He may have started with good intentions, but obviously abandoned
them down the line.

I always questioned the logistics of such an "open" type cat rescue group -
how does one keep them all inside, how does one keep track of them, and what
would stop anyone from dumping new and possibly sick cats..and much more.

PETA has also been going after a hospice-type group in NY state called
Angel's Gate; they take in FeLV/FIV, terminally ill and very handicapped
animals - of course, visiting such a place is never the same as seeing
healthy animals for adoption. FoA is fully backing Angel Gate's work, and I
can truly appreciate how much different it is caring for healthy versus only
sick animals, from my own experience.

As much as I appreciate much of PETA's work, some of their work is extremely
questionable, and Ingrid Newkirk originally came from managing a kill
shelter, never abandoning her serious kill convictions!.


From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Heather
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 10:29 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Felvtalk] Caboodle Ranch link


I'm just posting this link in case anyone is interested in hearing the
"other side" of the story--I am not trying to take either side but thought
this may be of interest to some.


I can't say which side is right--my guess would be neither and that the
truth lies somewhere in between, however, PETA is absolutely using this case
to try to fight the Florida Animal Rescue Act and for me, their involvement
really skews things.  Again though just posting since this case has been
discussed here.  Thanks!


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