Yes, you are right.  I think the raccoon has moved on and are probably 
transient.  I don't see him running around the area anymore.  There seems to be 
food in the bin now.  And you are right.  They left the water bowls empty and 
dirty.  BUT, now the cats still don't seem to want to eat the dry food b/c they 
can still smell the raccoon even though I believe it is gone.  The cats just 
kind of peer into the bin and sniff and walk away!  

 From: "" <>
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply/reply
I was going to say that the coons will just carry off the feeder and break it 
open at their convenience.  I loose a lot of suet feeders that way.  My outside 
water bowls are always dirty in the AM.  One has to wash their food before 
eating it. I think they also take a bath before eating.

---- Maureen Olvey <> wrote: 
> Yes, they can climb trees and recently I found out that they can get on top 
> of my car.  I had put some bags of cat food on the trunk of my car one 
> night.  When I came back outside a couple hours later there were nice little 
> raccoon paw prints on my car and windshield and a tear in the bag.  I didn't 
> see any major scratches in the paint, like from them climbing, so I wondered 
> if it was really the cats but those dirty paw prints gave it away.  Cat paw 
> prints are different. My suggestion - give up.  You can't beat the raccoons.  
> Or the opposums for that matter.  They climb trees too.  I leave extra food 
> out when I have donated food but if not it can get expensive trying to feed 
> the raccoons, opposums and cats.  I don't mind feeding the raccoons but I'm 
> not rich enough to feed all the hungry mouths in GA.  I'm wondering if 
> raccoons are transient though.  Like I read on an opposum website that they 
> don't plant roots.  They may stick around a few
 days but then they move on.  I have a feeling raccoons do that also.  I need 
to google it.  Right now at one of my feral locations there are no raccoons 
coming around at night.  But at times I know there are because all the food is 
gone and the water is dirty.  Plus I've seen them there when I go by at night.  
But for the last couple of months when I show up the next day the cats have dry 
food left from the day before and the water is clean.  And at my house I also 
will sometimes see a mama and babies.  But a month or two later I'm only seeing 
one or two raccoons coming around, not the mama and four babies.  Where did 
they go? My friend that only has a couple cats at one feeding station uses one 
of those food containers with a timer on it.  She feeds a certain amount in an 
open bowl during the day, but at 9:00 at night one side of the container opens 
with food and later in the night, like 2:00 am the other side opens.  That way 
the cats have
 food during the night.  But the timer thing is small and wouldn't work with a 
big colony.  Plus I've had raccoons carry bowls off so I would think they would 
carry that off too.
> “I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
> profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
> unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
> sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain
>  Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 09:46:07 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply/reply
> The raccoons near one of my colonies climb the 3-story-high palm tree there, 
> to live in it, so yes, they can climb.
> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:44 AM, dot winkler <> wrote:
> Hi - That's an idea.  I'm waiting to see if the coon returns.  I just 
> restarted the dry food after two weeks of not putting it out.  I'm afraid to 
> trap it - it may have babies somewhere.  I'd feel bad.  I read coons can't 
> jump or climb but also had some feedback that, yes they can. Wondering about 
> this.  Dotty
>     From: MaiMaiPG <>
>  To: 
>  Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:41 AM
>  Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply
> Do they have battery operated radios that have timers?  Be aware that coons 
> can destroy about anything.  If this is one coon or maybe two, can you trap 
> it and relocate it?  
> On May 31, 2012, at 6:32 AM, dot winkler wrote:
> Hi Martha - I don't live nearby.  I live in the next town over.  I drive over 
> there once a day.  Wish i did.  That would be a good idea if I could have 
> noise at night to deter the critters!  Thanks
>         From: Martha Walton <>
>  To: 
>  Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:13 PM
>  A radio playing at night has reduced the raccoon visits at our chicken-coop, 
>maybe it would help with the cat situation?
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