The FeLV kitten that I had didn’t make it past 3 months….it was really sad for 
Nemo to be isolated from all the cats, especially at such a young age…he 
started having a serious seizure and it was the end.

One of the adult cats was adopted, had a really bad episode after his move from 
the stress, but is doing really well again.  His new “mom” is a veterinarian.  
The other one died from renal failure – he was a lot older than we thought.



[] On Behalf Of Lee Evans
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Transmittal via fleas


Some kittens born to FeLv+ mothers do turn negative but it's more likely that 
an adult who contracted the disease from another adult will fight it off and 
turn negative, like my cats Moses and Percy.  Percy is FIV+ though.  He's a 
young street fighter rescued in terrible condition.  I'm really happy he fought 
off the FeLv.  I have an FIV+ area for my little colony of positives so no 
problem.  Percy is going to join them this week.  He's all shiny and fat now.


The bad news about FeLv kittens is that most of them never make it to 
adulthood.  The ones who do will live for about 2 years.  Taco and Smooch were 
rescued as adults already.  They were FeLv+.  They lived with me for about 2 
years.  They were buddies, from different street situations but they bonded 
nicely the last year of their lives.


Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 



From: GRAS <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Transmittal via fleas


In the 20 years of cat rescue, with so many FIV+ mother cats, not a single 
kitten EVER was FIV+!  And when and if tested, there was absolutely no sign of 
it by age 3 months, although some vets say that it could be up to 6 months. 
They shed the virus quite rapidly as their immune systems develop.

I have never heard of kittens born to FeLV mothers ever being negative.



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