Glad you left that vet.  even if the cat were still positive, at that age she 
culd live a long and healthy life.  Annie was 4 when she tested positive.  She 
is now 8 going on 9 and the healiest, happiest cat I ever saw.

---- Jannes Taylor <> wrote: 
> I recused a cat who was approx. 3 years old. She tested positive the first 
> time for FELV but three months later she tested negative on the ELISA and the 
> IFA.  The first time she tested positive the vet hinted that I should 
> euthanize her! I am so glad I did not listen to him. BTW, he is no longer my 
> vet.

From: Liz Lee Morris <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FelV positive kittens

Hi, I have a kitten who tested Felv positive at 5 weeks old on both the IFA and 
Elisa test. Both were done on the same day. He is so precious to me and I am so 
sad. The vet basically said he has no chance. I have been giving him lysine 
daily and lots of love. He is now 3 months old and is happy and appears 
healthy. Is it possible that he might be negative now? 
[] On Behalf Of Lee Evans
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FelV positive kittens
Hang in there Lorrie.  Sometimes they turn.  Did you ever find the mom cat?  If 
so, have her tested too.  If she's young, she may turn negative in 90 days 
also.  The ones a year or younger sometimes do.  Even older cats can fight it 
off.  I have a cat who was positive when rescued.  He was about 2-3 years old, 
male. Had him for about 90 days in a separate room, retested with IFA test and 
again with the ELISA test and he was negative with both tests.  I still have 
Moses.  It has been 6 years now.  Percy, a recent rescue tested positive for 
FIV and FeLv.  Kept him in a room for 90 days also, retested.  He's FIV+ but 
negative for FeLv so I moved him to my little FIV+ area.  He's doing fine.  
Unfortunately, Smooch and Taco were also adult FeLv+ cats, stayed positive 
after 90 days.  They roomed together, separate from my other cats for 2 years, 
died within a month of each other.  Sad but at least they had those 2 years.  
Two years to a cat
>  is like 5 years to us.  Hugs to you and the kittens.
Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 


From:Lorrie <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 7:38 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] FelV positive kittens

I rescued a litter of four kittens two months ago.  Had them tested
yesterday for FelV and all 4 are positive!  I am heartsick.  However, I have
a FelV section in my cageless shelter building where they will be able to
stay until they are tested again in 90 days.  They appear so healthy and
playful right now, and I can't bear to put them to sleep.  Still I know
some of them may not make it............ SO SAD.


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