I used Nutra-Cal for my Felv kitty, Prancer that just passed away. He lived for 
over 9 years!  I ordered it from my Vet or Entirely Pets.com.  Also,  I used 
Interferon for many years and this was  only $25.00 for a bottle, the bottle 
lasted for about 2 months for his size (10 lbs).   Prancer did not like wet 
food and I typically fed him Science Diet or Purina One.  I know that is a bit 
pricey for some on a budget, but I swear by it for a Felv cat:)

I also used these for a Felv Kitten (3 weeks old) that somebody threw out on 
the street and I was lucky enough to be walking the dog when they dumped the 
kitten off.   A friend of mine adopted the kitten and we are waiting to retest 
the kitten.  The kitten is doing great!  Cisco actually had hookworms and I 
found out from the vet that hookworms can kill a kitten!!  Hope this 
information helps!

Lisa Conner
Felvtalk mailing list

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