Lee, my cat population beats yours!  There’s no cat fur in the milk I make – 
see all the soy milk makers that are available: 

The one I have is super easy, too – not touched by human hands or cat paws!


From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Lee 
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 11:20 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FW: Bow hunting


Not sure I could make my own soy milk.  I don't much like milk with cat fur in 
it.  I have almost 40 cats here at any given time, mostly elderly or socially 
or physically handicapped and I can't keep them off counters.  My house was not 
well organized due to a little mistake in planning.  Actually big mistake in 
planning when I moved in so I will, at some future date have to readjust and 
then maybe cooking and cleaning will be a whole lot easier but right now I'm 
concentrating on keeping my head above the financial waters. Hey I forgot about 
the AETA that good ole G Dubya passed.  Just talk against anything in the food 
industry and you've had it.  Fortunately, it hasn't been enforced under Pres. 
Obama but Romney, should we have the misfortune of 4 years of him will be able 
to fill the prisons with people who won't eat fried chicken.  Sigh.  Is this a 
wonderful country or what!  Incidentally I supported Kucinich when he made his 
short run for President.  Angels from Heaven are rarely elected.  He's a 
wonderful, thoughtful, intelligent and logical man.

I actually think it's more humane, if someone is a good shot, to kill a deer 
then what is done to the bovine population in factory farming but I don't feel 
that we need to eat animals.  We are omnivores and have a choice.


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