On 10-04, Lee Evans wrote:
>    I agree that neither candidate can make animal rights/welfare a major
>    issue in this election and I also agree that the economy is the major
>    issue that impacts our rescues and other people's companion animals the
>    most.  Then I look at the incumbent and see a man who was trussed up
>    like a chicken about to go into the rotisserie and I see who did the
>    trussing up, the Republican Senate.  I look at who started the
>    sub-prime mortgage mess that led to so many people losing their homes
>    and I see a Republican President allowing banks and stock brokers and
>    CEO's of investment companies to have free rein to grab the money and
>    run.  I see an ineffectual congress trying to get a fair tax program
>    wherein people earning over a quarter of a million dollars a  year
>    would pay their fair share of taxes to run the country.  Then I see
>    Republicans putting up road blocks by saying that businesses would have
>    to shut down if taxes were raised.  Who the heck ever mentioned
>    businesses?  The problem is INDIVIDUALS who are rolling in money. I see
>    Republicans coming in with smoke and mirrors and clouding the issue,
>    confusing people into thinking that the tax hike would be on
>    businesses.  I see a ridiculous-on-both sides health care plan with
>    over a thousand pages of gibberish regulations.  What's wrong with just
>    extending Medicare and Medicaid to everyone?  What's the problem with
>    not re-inventing the wheel and adopting the Canadian health care
>    model?  Then my friends tell me that we need a business man with a good
>    sense of the economy to run the country.  And I say, these are the same
>    people who ran the country off a cliff for 8 years.  I don't think I
>    want them in the drivers seat again.  Just my opinion.

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