I'm so glad she had you to help her go.

dlg...@windstream.net wrote:

>My Nitnoy crossed over today at 12:45.    She had been with me since 2008, 
>survived a raccoon biting of her tail and being FELV +.  There was nothing to 
>idicate whaat was going on.  During the holidays, she was not doing well so 
>took her to ER.  They did x-rays and complete bloodwork.  I had told them she 
>was FELV+ but they did not seem upset that she was just 1 point low on red and 
>white cells.  After the holiday, I took her to my vet as she was not 
>improving, had not passed urine or stool.  First thing he did was look at her 
>anal glands.  They were impacted and infected.  He cleaned them out and gave 
>her Covina and we brought home Orbax to be given once daily.  Everything was 
>much better, she was back to her self.  Then Friday, she began hiding, not 
>eating or drinking so took her to vet on Saturday.  ONE THING SHE DID THAT 
>Sat when we got to vet, my dr was not there, but his wife (also a vet) was.  
>She said her lymph glands were slightly enlarged and gums very pale.  We did 
>another blood panel.  Her white cells were .98 and her red blood cells were 
>3.2.  Kidney and liver functions were normal as were creatine and bun.  We 
>thought about going to ER for transfusion, but she would have to stay over the 
>weekend in a cage and we decided the stress would outweigh any good it might 
>do plus her body might just kill the new blood and we would be right back 
>where we started plus stress.  Again, gave Covina shot and started again on 
>Orbax.  I wanted to try a tonic that has worked wonders on cancers, etc.  Vet 
>said ok but keep a record of what I did in case it worked.  She actually 
>seemed to improve.  I was feeding with an eye dropper aruond 50 ml every hour 
>(i can ad mixed with 3 cans hot water so she could swallow and also to egt 
>fluids into her.  She got around 50ml of tonic also.  She took a turn for the 
>worse this am at 3:30, but then seemed to get better.  She was breathing 
>easier, heart was strong and she responded to my voice and touch.  By 12:45, 
>she had gone completely the opposite direction.  I was holding her aganst me 
>as she seemed to like the body warmth when she gasped 3 or 4 times and the 
>light in her eyes went out.  I knew she was going and I told her it was all 
>right.  She held on with her claws, gave a sigh and that was all.
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